
IBS (irrateble bowel syndrome)

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Here is what I tried and what worked for me with IBS.

-gluten and dairy free-big help with everything(sinus,allergy,general health) but IBS

-probiotics-total waste of money

-raw goat milk homemade yogurt-ehh not really helpful at all

-high Raw veganism-made me at least 4x worse

-blood type diet-minimal improvement

-Paleo diet-now I'm getting somewhere but still have IBS and reflux


what worked for me- spent $500 out of pocket for a Mediator Release Test from L.E.A.P- 4 tubes of blood drawn,tested for 150 food SENSITIVITIES and allergies....started eating from the list,2 weeks later no more lifelong IBS,that was 2 years ago.I never thought my most allergic foods would be things like cherries,mangoes,almonds,plums,carrots,tuna,chicken.


Also I had candida pretty bad as indicated by a different test and had to eat low carb for like a year while taking Oregano oil.


I've literally never been this healthy my entire life.I sleep great and haven't even had the sniffles in 2 years,I used to get sick about 3 times a year and suffer insomnia.If i eat something on my banned list,I get constipated or diarrhea every time.

Edited by Christoph
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-probiotics-total waste of money



Seeing as most pro-biotic pills are 100% dead bacteria I would have to agree.




Most people that have IBS have it due to a disruption of good intestinal flora though, so functional pro-biotics that actually colonize the GI tract would be of tremendous benefit.


Clostridium difficile an impossible to kill spore forming bacteria that produces toxins which attack your intestinal lining, and candida and other yeasts can and do cause IBS symptoms.


In nursing homes and hospitals C. Diff infections run rampant especially if the patients are prescribed antibiotics which kill off the good bacteria which keeps C. Diff at bay. Healthy people literally die from prolonged C. Diff it's that bad.





Most pro-biotics you buy will be 100% dead bacteria and 100% useless. Yogurt and kefir might help temporarily but their bacteria is transitory and does not colonize the colon.


lactobacillus sporogenes (also known as bacillus coagulans) is a good healthy spore forming bacteria which survives being dehydrated in it's spore form. It will also readily colonize the colon if taken in sufficient amounts. You can make your own yogurt using that species of bacteria and get thousands of times the dose of one pill.


Changing the diet, finding and avoiding food allergies, eating less sugary and carb heavy foods, that is good advice, but if the underlying cause is bad bacterial/fungal overgrowth in the GI tract or lack of good bacteria to balance it I don't see how eating better will solve the problem.

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Between my wife formally having Chrons(100% cured diet only despite Dr prognosis of lifelong meds and possible part of bowels removed)and my IBS I've tried every proboitc including very expensive ones from the compounding pharmacy and that one...probably spent more than 500$ just on proboitics,down the toilet literally.I've also spent a few hundred hours researching.


If they work for some people then that is great.


I think of it like this...the bacterial ecosystem of the gut is unbalanced but that doesn't necessarily mean that just taking probiotics will fix it.Dysbiosis is a symptom not a cause in itself.


I wouldn t go plant a veggie garden in the middle of a pasture because the weeds will just overgrow it unless the terrain is prepared first.Once the gut is healed,the bacteria will take care of themselves IME.

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Not nice a mod has decided to delete my posts. Twice already. :angry:


So I will try again.


I found this article spot on:


As usual, liver Qi stagnation, the most common disease of today's society, especially in Western.


Go and see a TCM practitioner and start drinking green tea, lose weight if you have to, exercise daily, drink plenty of water, and stress less.


Good luck.



ive noticed in my meditation my liver swells up and "pops" open then my qi goes to my lower dan tien. so you might be right



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My advice is go and try the five Falun Dafa exercises and read the book Zhuan Falun. Usually all kinds of mystical and threatening diseases disappear within weeks or months of starting in FD.


PS: The free options are always the best. I used to have at least five different allergies before during 30 years, they are all cured now.

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Hi everyone this is a post to explain my frustration in my current life with this syndrome i b s which is a doctors term of *shrug* i don't know what's wrong with you. the symptoms i have are lethargy (tiredness), everything feels a struggle i have to run to the toilet every 5 mins when im working. and when im working i cant focus because of the pain i experience everyday and it only goes away for a brief moment when im eating then hurts more after im eating. ive noticed when i eat fibre it flairs up. im willing to do what it takes to cure myself of this ailment. the two options i have found that im going to try are a 30 day juice fast. and a raw vegan diet. i would like any more suggestions as to some help with this problem i have. i don't feel like im experiencing life to its fullest. i feel like there's always something missing and my love for everything is consumed by the pain inside. im desperate to cure this. i dont want to live my life like this no longer. im meditating every night but yet i cant relax on my meditation because of the pain. ive seen docters and they've done blood tests and all of them have come back normal i have has a ultrasound scan and that was normal too. yet i feel so much pain there. please please help.


After many years of suffering because of IBS and many failed attempts with tablets, ballast-rich food etc. etc., I managed to cure myself of IBS using Autogenic Training (AT). Within 3 months the symptoms subsided, within 6 months I was practically IBS-free. I practiced AT twice a day, 20 mins per session.


Good luck!

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After many years of suffering because of IBS and many failed attempts with tablets, ballast-rich food etc. etc., I managed to cure myself of IBS using Autogenic Training (AT). Within 3 months the symptoms subsided, within 6 months I was practically IBS-free. I practiced AT twice a day, 20 mins per session.


Good luck!


whats at?

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but that sounds so easy when you put it like that. i feel i cant relax at work and i mean u cant because u need to always focus and get on with the job. i just feel unfit as a human to have a job and do it well. because im focusing on how much it hurts. not intentially focusing but because its always there. and if i ignore this pain which i can do i dont go to the toilet for 3 days.


Your job demands are simply inhuman. You just don't understand our current business culture, so you irrationally expect yourself to fulfill all the insanely overstated performance demands and expectations.


There is no easy solution. You may need to change your place of work. Or you may need a more radical solution, such as complete renunciation of the worldly involvement at the inner level. I don't think anything "small" will give you the big stable peace you desire.

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Have you read this book?


Unwinding the Belly


I am no expert but I wonder if it might help - I have practiced the exercises and they are good as far as I can tell - very beneficial for overall health and particularly digestive issues.


I've been doing Unwinding the Belly self massage for a couple of years now. What it does is to get you more in touch with your body and organs. Having a hands on tactile relationship with your body, learning to accept it and gently touching the tender, troublesome points are valuable for both healthy and ill people. It's also a very calming practice, with deep ties to the breath. I would recommend the practice as an adjunct to the other excellent advice given above.

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Hi everyone this is a post to explain my frustration in my current life with this syndrome i b s which is a doctors term of *shrug* i don't know what's wrong with you. the symptoms i have are lethargy (tiredness), everything feels a struggle i have to run to the toilet every 5 mins when im working. and when im working i cant focus because of the pain i experience everyday and it only goes away for a brief moment when im eating then hurts more after im eating. ive noticed when i eat fibre it flairs up. im willing to do what it takes to cure myself of this ailment. the two options i have found that im going to try are a 30 day juice fast. and a raw vegan diet. i would like any more suggestions as to some help with this problem i have. i don't feel like im experiencing life to its fullest. i feel like there's always something missing and my love for everything is consumed by the pain inside. im desperate to cure this. i dont want to live my life like this no longer. im meditating every night but yet i cant relax on my meditation because of the pain. ive seen docters and they've done blood tests and all of them have come back normal i have has a ultrasound scan and that was normal too. yet i feel so much pain there. please please help.


I came across this thread a bit late but thought I would add a comment anyway. There has been some good advice given, but as you probably are already aware there is no one exact cause identifed for IBS type symptoms, and what is called IBS may actually include some different but similar types of problems with possibly different sources and causes. That being the case you may need to explore some of the different suggestions and see what helps for you. IMO, it is definitely worth trying some experimentation with eliminating certain types of foods such as glutens. For example, if you find that cutting out anything made from flour such as breads and pizza dough and pastries helps, then you may wish to adjust your diet accordingly. You may find that cutting out all milk products helps as well if you are lactose intolerant. You may have to experiment with cutting out certain food types one at a time to see if any particular food type makes a difference. The suggestions about trying certain supplements and herbal remedies is probably worth trying as well, but you may want to try things one at a time so you can identify what specifically seems to be helping and what doesn't.


Keep us posted on whether you have found anything that brings you any relief or not.



the way is virtue

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Hello. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and i am going to give you some practical advice on how to seek and find help with your troubles.


First: if you're not assessing, you're guessing. You need to find a practitioner that will assess you and your troubles and get to the root of the problem.


You will be able to recognize a good practitioner because hey will ask you questions like:


What are the symptoms that you have? (every "IBS" case has different symptom sets)

How long have you had IBS symptoms? when were you diagnosed with IBS?

When do you recall your first IBS symptoms occurring? what other events were occurring at that time in your life?

Are you sensitive to milk-products? are they difficult for you to digest?

How much gluten do you consume?

Have you ever removed gluten and dairy from your diet for at least 6 weeks straight?

Do you have mercury-amalgam fillings in your teeth? if so, how many? (colitis is one symptom of chronic mercury poisoning)

do tomatoes and beans make your stomach appear bloated and constipated?

do you have a histamine response to eggs when you eat them?

do you consume many foods that contain processed cane sugar? (cane sugar contains a product called nextane)

Does emotional and/or intellectual stress affect your digestion. if so, how?

what kind of skin problems do you have? on what areas of your body?



those types of questions will go a long way towards helping you with your troubles because they will help you discover the source if your symptoms. you never want to treat symptoms, you want to treat the cause of the symptoms.


I wish you the best on your healing journey!



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