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Egyptian Yoga

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Anyone here come accross anything on this? All I have seen has been in Michael Frost's book and some other pretty obscure dude whose name escapes me at the moment, ont he faculty of AIHT...


Im interested in Egyptian meditation/yoga...whatever...mostly because the 1 dollar bill has the pyramid, something obviously went down in Egypt and according to Manly P hall America is the New Egypt...also it talks about this issue a bit in Light Body Activation book by Saul Goodman, including man's current solar plexus fixation and our coming transformation into the (heart) fourth dimension/"age of aquarius?"...

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I had tried to research this myself and didn't get very far. I found a book on Egyptian Magic which you can borrow next time I see you - but it is more about magic than spiritual practice, so I didn't find it very interesting. I did find reference to a practice called "ankhing" by I think Drunvalo Melchizedek which was essentially bringing the sexual energy up from the perineum to the solar plexus then out of the body around and over the head back in to the solar plexus. Not sure if that was channeled or how he got it (or even if that was where I read about it :) ).


I just checked my favorites and found the following link to an Egyptian Tantra and an Egyptian Yoga book at amazon (haven't read them myself though)...

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