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Eye Health is KEY!

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Remember like all 80% of sense info comes through eye. Our eyes are very tense! This reflects in everything!


I have been enjoying healing my eyes the past few days VERY much as it also heals the brain.


First, I am enjoying the book Magic Eye Beyond 3d. Magic Eye was invented by an eye doc who is also an accupuncurist. It has sold over 20 million copies! The benefits for you eyes, brain, relaxation, meditation, intuition and just plain FUN are infinite! Wow! Be warned that it is not easy, at first, to see the magic in the pics, but with awareness of your energy, relaxation and deep breathing, soft eyes will bring the magic through and you will be amazed. Dont give up, the rewards are awesome! It really is magic when you start to see...


Next, I have been enjoying the Mindfold. This is a mask which lets you have 100% darkness and is very comfortable at the same time, suitable for sleep, meditation, whatever... The mask has room for your eyes so they are not being touched by the mask--no irritation at all. The mindfold was invented by shamanic artist Alex Grey, who is THE MAN. Also, it was very funny becuase what convinced me to buy this was the fact that G. Bush Jr. was recorded on video wearing a Mindfold mask while flying on Air Force 1.


Update: Magic eye, I find, is making me able to see with greater depth perception, something we loose with linear technology.


Find out more on eye stuff: - this is a crazy way of speed-reading which is supposed to use the whole brain, it is recommended by the Magic Eye inventor and it looks VERY interesting! I am always skeptical of photoreading, but this might be real? They know about Qigong.

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Interesting. Here's another cool site. A lot of these exercises revolve around using stereoscopic imaging.

Edited by vortex

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The mindfold rocks. I'm thinking of getting a second one to leave at my desk at work when I need to relax. I stare at way too many computer monitors during the day. Most days I have headaches going down GB4-5-6-7 by the end of the day, it sucks.

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