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About Unota

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  1. Did you know royalty used to use narwhal's horns to 'detect' poison? They thought their horns were magical horns from unicorns, and could detect poison with magic. During the Dutch tulip mania, some thought throwing ash on the tulips would trigger them to break through some sort of alchemical process, before knowing that it was triggered by a virus.


    I have vision changes when I meditate, but I can not say that this is not connected to my tendency towards visual auras as I am prone to migraines. I have experienced something similar sometimes when I wake up from a deep sleep, as if that part of my brain has yet to switch back on. The thought alone that the same is happening when I meditate, awake, is fascinating enough.


    I know that I can control my body heat circulation during qigong, but the only thing that truly means is increased activity or some sort. Maybe it is just my circulation. That is still fascinating to me.


    I also don't think that any sort of spiritual practice could ever be only a 'placebo' effect, no more than physical exercise could be. Everything you do, or lack thereof, has an impact. If you kick a rock, it moves. If you don't, it doesn't. Breathing techniques have greatly improved my lung function. Slow, deliberate movements, while controlling breathing, and stilling the mind to focus on this, imagine how many muscles and micro-muscles that you generally do not use, are being exercised when you do this.


    I am so active now, that I worry about things like athlete's injuries. I have a better outlook on life, too, being able to separate myself from modern western ideologies that are built up around supporting a mechanical system that is built off the backs of others, rather than the individual.


    I wanted to learn how to live, and to love life, and what better way to do that, than to be curious about, to connect with practices that people have done for thousands of years? If only to understand what has kept us going.


    Getting off of my private soap box in my activity feed now. Byeeee~

    1. Cobie


      Great your lung function improved and you have a better outlook on life. Good goal imo, “learn how to live, and to love life”. Enjoy. :) 


    2. Unota


      @cobie Right!! Thank you. But my point is, it just makes me kind of sad, how quick some people are to discredit each-other on this forum. I have read the word 'placebo' thrown around a lot. Whether I believe what someone else says or not, I still think there is something new to learn from them. Uhh...Even if I said this in the worst way.