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About Unota

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    Dao Bum

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  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I was talking to a girl. She said she likes music instruments!! And wants to learn how to play one! And I was like, ah! Music!! I like music instruments a lot too, I used to be in a band. I have a guitar! I showed her. Maybe I can teach her? I played it. And then she said that I was 'very attractive.' Out of nowhere!! Out of nowhere!!!! How can you say something like that with a straight face!!! How was I supposed to respond to that!!! Stooppp!! Stop it stop it!!! *bangs head against the door frame* One hit K.O.!!! I need to flee the country!! Hide me!! Get me outta here!!

    1. Cobie


      :lol: Just politely say, “thanks, but I am not interested in that.”