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Everything posted by Seeking

  1. One of the most obvious fallacies of modern Theravada Buddhism is the depiction of the Buddha with a full head of hair. Living in Southeast Asia, asking the average Buddhist about this results in a range of answers, from a shrug and smile (admitting that it is incorrect but supposing that it is not worth worrying about) over to the opposite extreme of taking offense and demanding to know how anyone could dare to raise the question. Some might ask how we could know what the Buddha looked like after so many centuries, if we didn’t blindly trust in a succession of statues and amulets. It is needless to say that the Pali canon does not contain photographic evidence, but it does contain evidence of another kind, and this article tries to answer the question (that almost nobody dares to ask) in as few words as possible, by working from the primary sources. Rest of the article: Wondering what you lot make of this? It ties into what I've said previously about lies, distortions and half truths that amusingly permeate a way that is supposed to be all about truly perceiving reality. Maybe thats all part of the test and those who buy into the party line failed, eh? I'm thinking it might be some kind of prank like that as things like this are so obvious. The article is very well written and raises a lot of good points about primary sources and I'd like to hear your thoughts.
  2. Its the condition of not having any form of internal imagery. Visualization is out of the window as it just doesn't happen. All you see is darkness with your eyes closed. I've often wondered if the underlying process of this has something to do with your third eye? Anyway, how is your inner world?
  3. Haven't seen much chat on this topic and was wondering about it. Seeing as there are certain times and rhythms for certain organs/energy circuits as well as the bodies innate endocrine system plus cosmic cycles/influences it stands to reason that a form, any form, practiced consistently at differing times of day will generate different results for the cultivator. Would you agree? To me it seems self evident and something you can easily test by switching up your practice. The energy generated has a different hue/vibration and its quite noticeable. This then got me thinking it makes sense to time your practice with whatever energy system needs the most attention as its getting the greatest effect that way. What do you think? Ever experimented with this before? Also, whilst we're on it - what about the direction you're facing?
  4. Have you noticed this? Maybe its just the Chinese way of disinfo to weed out the real from the fake by who sees through the trick and who falls, hook line and sink. The way I see it is like this: Intuitively I sense that a lot of practices/forms that are in the public domain are either obviously watered down, incomplete or just straight up forgeries of the real deal. Its hard to express linguistically because intuition is preverbal but on an energetic level its like this: There is a "field" shall we say, an energetic blueprint of wholeness that is around certain forms. One very popular form on here has it present and correct but only at the foundational/middle level as there are higher aspects of it that are obviously not released to the public yet. Its like I can feel the "shape" of the form, its non physical point of origin and then there is whats being taught and you can compare and contrast the sensations, if you get what I'm saying? Like a glass half filled with negative space in the rest. Whats that old saying? "If a man is thirsty give him half a cup. If he truly thirsts he will ask for more". Like I said, its cultural and naturally ingrained in the Eastern belief system and seems obvious to me. I do get the feeling that during the Qigong boom of the 70s lots of half assed info was spread that was then further mangled in translation with compounded errors added on by "Masters" in the West who pay obesience to Oriental gentlemen that aren't actually equipped to sweep the temple steps, let alone guide anyone else. Simply put they're faking it to people who can't tell the difference anyway. Its super common in the magick field for those of you who know as Grimoires are parallel to a form and people hold them close to their chest. Workings that are shared are often flipped, edited or distorted to keep the originator in a place of power or just to plain through the followers off course and waste their time in pointless busy work. The parallel in the energy fields is quite evident and I'm wondering if anyone else has spotted it? Out of respect I won't be naming names as to what I see as fraudulent as that really doesn't serve any purpose as its up to the practitioner to be discerning and heed that inner wisdom. Sometimes its like this: Where the whole practice is correct but taught "off script" so that the pieces are in the incorrect order and there is not optimal correlation with the energy field of the form in its optimal state. Others are more like: In that what you have will never fit, no matter what you try. Most people are just happy enough to have some pieces to play with due to the distraction and busy work it brings even if cumulatively they are running on an energetic treadmill as a total waste of their effort. Intuition is preverbal but hopefully you get my imagery and intent. There are also loads of other factors like cultural cues which are self evident and felt like they never needed to be expressed when mouth to ear teachings were written down only to have them literally translated centuries later and make absolutely no sense. Yet people dare not question "the old ways" because they lack the discernment to see what I've outlined. Do you agree or disagree? Or is my attitude of nonchalant bravado showing again?
  5. Depression

    Once again, I didn't say that it was. What I did say was that the chemical imbalance theory is a complete scam to foist pills at a profit and that the various talk modalities range from totally useless to actually dangerous. For most people depression is caused by a lack of options which makes them feel powerless. The bodymind creates this state of malaise to motivate the person to get off their bottom and go and do something about it, change it aka create options. The money in this situation would make the average factory worker laid off with depression forget about all of that in an instant as he'd have a much wider focus. Thing is he doesn't need the money to open his mind but for most people they need external strength to offset their internal weakness and that was the whole point of this rather flippant example that I've now drilled to death by decimating it to clarify it for you. Idiots guide = Depression is due to feelings of powerlessness as an effect of continually narrowing options that seemingly get worse and worse. People misread the cue and other people makes lots of money out of it. I see *takes notes* *scratches beard* *adjusts tampon* So what you're saying is that these feelings, they come and go, correct? And when new ones come you wish to revise the previous perspective, yes? Interesting. How does that make you feel? Did you always feel that way? What do you think this means?
  6. Depression

    *strokes beard* *looks thoughtful* *takes notes* "Yes, I see... And why did it make you feel that way?"
  7. Depression

    I didn't say that but you are free to rattle your begging cup as noisily as you wish.
  8. Depression

    This is what it sounds like when Shens cry. Depression is a message that your life isn't how its supposed to be so do something to change it. People misread the signal as "Hey Doc, give me some pills that don't really do a thing beyond distracting me as your attention is the most healing aspect of all of this" or going to bleat to a shrink who is actually more messed up than you are. They just have more paperwork to disguise it and, occasionally, some cool parlor tricks to keep you amused. Take the most depressed person in the world and give them £50 million. Watch how quickly their "depression" evaporates because the money represents the potential to change and thats all they needed in the first place. Thing is they weren't creative enough to think of a solution without the paper but that doesn't mean it isn't possible.
  9. 猴子在树上。男人只看到椰子。 成功有两个关键。首先:永远不要告诉任何人你所知道的一切。第二:
  10. Optimal time to practice Qigong?

    Yes, exactly. Whilst neigong is the whole body thing there are certain qigong aspects that are aimed primarily at healing specific ailments and blockages. That is what I meant about tying in the times and directions to the practice for more aligned benefits. The latter point is a problem of the modern age as we live our lives with very unnatural cycles that are coordinated to business interests moreso than our own rhythms and this cumulatively has an effect. These points don't seem to be discussed much and I made the thread to see if others have considered them and experimented. If so I'm interested in hearing what differences you got from your form when you switched the timing, direction etc...
  11. This thread ties in a lot to my incomplete knowledge thread. Tangent but when it comes to Kundalini people think that when it kicks in you'll all of a sudden become some saintlike person. Wrong, it just makes you more of what you were and its up to you to shed those unwanted layers to actualize what you are. So if you're a crotchety moaner pre-K afterwards you'll be a horrendously negative person to be around. If you lack the insight you won't notice the change as you are too busy "being you" as all of your old familiar ways are amplified now, plus it feels great plus you're in the K Club so what can go wrong? What happens is this extra energy is chewing up the system like gunked up engine oil in a car that is redlined all the time. Sure it feels great for the driver but he never looks under the hood and no one else told him about this bit so on he goes. End result? Great power internally whilst looking totally depleted externally. Bodybuilders in general are the flip of this as its rare you'll meet one with even an inkling of balance as they are too caught up in appearance/stats. Now most of the Yoga out there is straight up BS, calisthenics dressed in Indian attire and totally devoid of the inner aspects and circulations beyond airy fairy lip service and visualization. But what it does do is "purify" the practitioners current level of embodiment by working out the previously acquired kinks. Net result = same energy as before but less resistance. Contrast with Captain K who has more energy but still the same old resistance in place that is now overpowered by the influx of energy. Which one do you think would look more healthy and vital? Its all because we have bits and pieces of complete systems that have been released in randomized chunks without the coherent framework, guidelines and general insight required in order to be able to sort out the modern messed up man. Most of the practitioners don't have a clue and frankly don't care. Intuition also isn't that high and if it is they're scared to "distort" the form by doing what their body wisdom says due to the rigid dogma attached. In a nutshell what we have these days are fossilized, devitalized aspects of complete forms that were once living energies and are now reduced to a series of poses that are better than nothing but nothing like what they really should be. There is a reason why the old practices had such long initiation periods as they were actually deconditioning to get the adept back to a baseline but that doesn't sell well in the modern world. Heck it didn't sell well in the old world but people took it if they wanted to ride the rollercoaster because there were no TVs to watch instead. That and the living energies part, this is why it was always a ear to mouth practice before being written down and that in itself killed most of the knowledge out there and we get to this point where people spin empty water wheels (or gunked up engine oil as they redline) and thinking they're making process. If cultivation is an intelligence test a lot of people failed it and didn't even realize. Most of them went on to teach other people how to be exactly like them
  12. Energy on Items?

    Go to a library or bookstore. Wander around a bit then pick a title at random with closed eyes and see what it says to you. Dealing out playing cards into a pile of black and red with eyes closed is also another good one.
  13. Optimal time to practice Qigong?

    Yes, thats what I mean in the sense that the teacher dictates the practice usually based on their insight of the student and whats needed whereas these days on the net its just a case of "hurry up and buy". Have you ever tried moving your practice to different times to check the variations (if any) in your experience?
  14. Evidnece for the super natural

    Everything is natural. It only appears super to those who are of the world (as opposed to those in it) because they expect it to conform to their expectations/programming with the common delusions of the age.
  15. Optimal time to practice Qigong?

    Yes, thats what I mean. If, lets say, you get "prescribed" a Qigong form in China they'd give you a certain one to be done at a certain time to get the result you require by addressing the main imbalance first. Now with the net and "All the forms you can eat" at your fingertips that diagnosis aspect is missing and I feel its a vital part that many gloss over. Like I said not much discussion on it but it could also explain why two people doing the same form get such totally different effects. Also, whilst we're on the topic: What do you lot do as a warm up to before practicing to get the energies flowing and awaken the meridians? The same old joint circles routine everyone seems to know (feet circles, knee circles, hip circles, shoulder circles) or something a bit more fancy? I've recently been thinking about that as well after a convo in which someone said "The first 45 minutes of most peoples practice is entirely wasted as it takes the bodies this long to gain equilibrium in order to optimally cultivate". That was quite an interesting observation and was the precursor to this topic we're now discussing but its these basics which are often not spoken of these days as the Chinese think "Everyone knows anyway" and the rest of the world doesn't know what they're missing. Its the same as opening and closing which I discussed here: A vital aspect that means the difference between flow and stagnation that many are simply unaware of as its spoken of so little and people are expected to just "get it".
  16. asanas,qi-gong, tibetan rites for youth and longevity

    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs ironically enough) are what you need to look into in a practical sense before diving into the sea of theoretical mumbo jumbo and general sketchiness. There was a good thread here about why so many Qigong masters look like shit thats worth a browse: Other factors to consider (which are related to AGEs and aging) are inflammation, cortisol levels, quality of sleep and lymph circulation. The other one is genetics, some people only have the raw equipment to age like milk whilst others mature like whisky. Better genes next time!
  17. Its Time To End The War On Salt

    99% of what the mainstream tells you is was and will be straight up BS. Why? Because they treat people like mushrooms as its good for business.
  18. Gaming Corner- What's your game

    What if all of the "deaths" you've been responsible for in the various games you play are actually attributed as actual murders when they weigh your soul against a feather (or whatever you believe)? Purely an intellectual pursuit here to get you all to think outside of the frame as its an entirely viable possibility when you consider games take place in their own "world" and the (soon to be) AI assisted characters by default will have some rudimentary subjective experience/feels much like our own. What if we're actually in a game with really good graphics? Are we playing or getting played?
  19. What is Love?

    Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. Now we've got that out of the way, what do you think it is? A bunch of neurochemical secretions to ensure the propagation of the species or something more ephemeral and magical? Do people truly love another or do they simply love what they provide/make them feel? Is love entirely selfish at its root or is it selfless when ideal? For those that have done drugs its interesting how love acts very much like them when you're high on it and can have a similar comedown when the honeymoon is over. Its also fascinating how the vast majority of the populace possesses almost no love for themselves and yet say they have plenty to give whilst being totally unaware of the contradiction and how impossible that is. Its also amusing that one who gives this state to themselves, freely and without restraint is seen as "arrogant" "self centered" "full of himself". The ironies. They're something else. Take it away, ladies and gentlemen.
  20. As the title says really. I went to a couple of Buddhist meetings and none of them could answer why they do this. Its in direct contradiction to their founders wishes and yet, they do. Stranger still was they prickled at me pointing it out. I know what you're going to say "Its a token of respect" etc but really its just worship/deification in another form. Its odd because out of all of the spiritual paths I'd thought that they would have had the most self awareness. Given the nature of their day to day it seems like a given. Guess not. If you do, why? Do you see the cult of personality that surrounds this guy and his achievements, much like every other prophet, when he didn't want that at all. From what I can tell (and my knowledge of Buddhism could fit on the back of a stamp) his aim was liberation. Pure and simple. The rest is mere commentary. The devout however seem to tie themselves up in knots over pointless things or sit there spinning empty wheels thinking they're getting somewhere. I found it quite odd and didn't go back again. Prefer my solo practice.
  21. This should be printed out and hung up over the entrance to the world. Such a simple truth that can be applied to so many fields. Yes, exactly. Its the next generation that compounds the previous ones errors and the problems this can cause. The partially sighted leading the blind is worse than the blind by themselves as at least that way they'd have a sense of caution. In another thread I mentioned the top draw don't leave home because they have no need to and what was shipped out was often thrown out or no good in the first place as you said. Couldn't match the standard so off they went because they'll buy anything in the West with no questions asked. It will be interesting to see how this develops now the world is "flat" thanks to the net as the real will have to rise, even if by accident. Yes, it definitely seems like there are clear cut steps on this path as many people see the same things, time and again. Others obviously must see them too but choose not to pay attention as that would mean having to admit the error of their ways and flushing all of the investment in their practice. Their egos often can't take this. Nor will they brook any discussion on the topic. Quite sad really. 100%. It is simple, effective, direct and thus wholly ignored by people who need something with a bit more drama and cool points. Can really Instagram sitting still and breathing, can you? Breath + awareness is really the key, the fundamental that underpins all and its often only mentioned in passing when it comes to standing on your head whilst making figure 8 movements with your legs as you breathe in and out like an accordion full of amphetamines. I noticed this same hollow inauthenticity with Yoga as that is mostly a scam, same with most forms of meditation and most recently Qigong got my attention and, what do you know, more of the same. I can definitely say that my time served in just observing the sensation of breath, expanding to full body awareness then turning it around to witness the witness itself is what fueled the intuition I was speaking of. Its literally the basics and yet the most complex at the same time as it embraces everything by doing nothing yet by doing nothing all is done. Funny how that works. Back to the topic though. I suppose the quest for a full system and one who can teach it is part of the whole adventure really. I definitely get the feeling they aren't online and selling any courses or CDs though. There are a couple for sure who have genuine potent systems, a wealth of experience and insight but they, for whatever reason, practice that privately and what they teach publicly is either a ) totally different/from a public lineage they were allowed to disclose or b ) real but very heavily diluted and skewed toward the yin concepts and very much downplaying the yang and true power of the form. Funny thing is Bruce Lee was apparently exactly the same. He artfully misdirected his students and never taught them what he'd actually learned himself. Sure he gave them something that was far beyond what anyone else was offering but it wasn't what made him, him. And all this time later things haven't changed. Well apart from the fact that none of these "Masters" are Bruce in any way shape or form as they're selling an image with nothing behind it as he actually put the work in and learned it direct and in the flesh. Thing I don't get (well, I do - ego investment) is how people who follow and practice these methods don't even have the insight to think "Wait a minute I've been doing this for 2 decades and I'm pretty much exactly the same as I was when I started". Maybe thats why they avoid the simple breath awareness aspect as that as a barometer alone would make the lack of progress self evident. So odd.
  22. Don't say a word. Stick out your tongue, let them feel your pulse, maybe check your eyes and then compare what they offer with your actual state of dysfunction at the present moment. If they get 80% of the way there you've got a good un. Also the best TCM practitioners tend not to leave China as they have no need to. Those that do are often the dregs or ones who couldn't make it in competition with the locals so they hop on a plane to feel tall in a land of mental midgets where the populace lack the wherewithal and experience to question their methods.
  23. ”I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” said a man who knew a thing or two about a thing or two. There was a time when forms and practices were closely guarded secrets and one had to show ones worth before gaining access. These days the internet encourages a Pollyanna attitude and there is always something shinier and newer so people barely scratch the surface due to their lack of dedication and short attention spans that crave novelty. Or as the philosopher sage known as Garfield once opined:
  24. Beautiful, this is exactly it. The difference between listening and hearing. I feel that I hear whilst those who inspired this thread did listen and weren't aware of the difference between sitting out the outer gate or actually making an entrance to the temple, only to find yourself seated within, waiting saying "Glad to make your acquaintance" and then the next spiral begins.