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Posts posted by shontonga

  1. :rolleyes:


    Nice one!


    yet outlasts the rose

    even with another name

    like forget-me-not.




    like forget-me-not.

    I think i forgot a lot?

    Is this the Tao Bum's???


    (Things seem different around here??? :huh: )


    (Hi Kids! Hope you are all well!!! :D )

  2. "Unless there is loving-kindness in our speech, it's going to come out wrong." ~Ayyan Khema




    Some times folks on this forum really amaze me with their oh-so-useful-positive&empowering-critiques.

    The ways they Share Knowledge???


    It's alway very obvious who it is that practices to LEARN


    and who talks out their arse by the critiques they give.




    I Thought it was a great video?


    It got folks attention...imagine...Zombies are paying attention, lol?


    It made a statement.


    Weather or not folks agree with it.


    Made (Most folks) smile/laugh which breaks the ice

    and gets people to take a deep breath so they are actually present enough to listen.

    Maybe learn?!?


    Also got folks talking, debating, sharing knowledge and ideas!




    Some cool constructive criticism might come out of it to help us All learn?

    Or give us (those who actually do practice) things to experiment with

    and further our own studies.


    Sure there might be a few that like to talk shit,

    and want to share what they have to offer...shit?

    They seem to be everywhere...hopefully they will learn a thing or two too!


    Lol? Imagine!



    Looking forward to more videos by folks:) Darin and others!



    Hopefully some who think that a tassel actually has a purpose

    will be willing to expose (us to their views ;) )themselves with a video(of them.)!

    One that explains and shows some reasons for it and how to use it!


    Can't wait!


    Share the love kids!!!

    and the KNOWLEDGE!!!


    ...u can keep the shit though...

    We all have plenty of our own...


    Shonton Ga


    How about some pro-tassle video responses?








    Sounds good!


    How do you mean? Like the video I linked? Or one of us just videoing ourselves saying how great tassels are?







    Lets see it!




    That is what we need, real people, so we can learn together!

    Great idea!!!

  3. On solution would be to drink strong Irish Coffee while watching pornographic TV on the internet. It won't get rid of any bad habits but will allow you indulge in 6 of them quickly and efficiently.




    Tears! My eyes are tearing, thanks...i might just pass this on....


    This was mailed to me a few days ago?

    By my friend *BLUSH* ok... slash teacher??? :unsure:

    ...i guess i do have a mouth that can quickly tear someone a new one?

    ...But Hey! Ya know some seem to need a new one torn???

    i try to behave but it goes counter to my nature?

    It's more in line with the Tao for me to use "Sailor speak"

    i linked it in my practice log but maybe some of YOU share my affliction!!!


    For those of us who have known well the diffrent tastes of ALL the brands of soap since early childhood...for them(YOU?)this link i share.


    Good Luck My Brothers!!!

    (and sisters!!! :D )




    Shameful Shon

  4. Have enjoyed reading this thread


    Not a right or wrong


    ... i don't think


    just self knowing


    you already said you see the effects of it


    you know your reaction


    lol, but we all need to be reminded about how good


    or how bad we perceive something to be at times


    sometimes it changes after all


    watch other things too(besides tobacco and alcohol)


    example~ if im in the practice of meditating


    there is no way i can handle eating garlic...i die


    i love garlic bread :D No way i could "binge" on it, lol


    for some of my practices i Do use tobacco and alcohol




    knowing myself, tobacco has a strong calling for me


    and if i work with it


    i'll want it for the next week or so(i don't use it if there is a craving)


    same with alcohol


    i feel it in the body for three days to a week after i use it


    and i will rarely have more than a mouthful or two


    (i never use it if there is a craving for it either)


    comes down to how you feel


    bowing before a porcelain thrown is humbling


    and if it teaches you lessons you enjoy


    None other than you can say right or wrong


    Just enjoy and be smart (don't drive drunk sort of smart)


    Whitness yourself


    as you partake and see how you feel



    Before you do what you do


    While you do


    The night/day after you do


    three days later


    a week


    then think about it


    and get back to us dude, because we are no wiser than you on such matters!!!


    Stay well!






    Personally i think 松永道 has said it all, it's a post worth reading and rereading)





    sorry so long a note

    but easier to read it spread out like this :unsure:

    i'll stop typing now, bye!!!

    Sweet dreams!



    *edited for spelling and missed words

  5. Hello, I've been lurking for a while and usually enjoy the discussions.


    I am a starving artist, haiku poet and intermittent fencer.


    I have been practicing philosophical taoism (Quietism) for almost a decade now, but find it hard to meet people who are spiritually centered in such a material world.



    Hajimemashite !



    ... pleased to meet chu

    I am shon

    here but not as often as id like!

    Hope you enjoy yourself here Nanashi...


    that is a life long study for this noisy child too... i call it stillness?

    but I'm among the loudes of the bum's at times, lol!


    Stay well!

    Glad you are here!




    i like this, just read it yesterday ->


    "Under all speech that is good for anything

    lies a silence that is better.

    Silence is deep as eternity.

    Speech is shallow as time."

    ~ Thomas Carlyle

  6. stitching all in time

    stitching it all in the mind

    ommmmmmm ... the stitching stops ...


    ommmmmmm ... the stitching stops ...

    the cup is empty inside

    the light, is turned 'round


    the light is turned 'round

    a bird's eye view of within

    and now I begin



    And now i begin

    this journey once more again

    now it's time to dream


    ( :D Sweet dreams kids!)

  7. Get your point but I still see this as the man being required to do a enormous amount of work and the woman to do the bare minimum of what is required of a person. Actualy still less. What is the work a woman is required to do that is as demanding as what the man is required to do?






  8. >we shall spread a breath of air

    >to all the hungry


    Thank you Lin and Father Paul


    Hate to admit but there are tears




    Wasn't here then ... ?


    But maybe ...




    thank you for sharing



    Message to self and other wrinklies: expect nothing, be brief. If someone's already received some good advice, maybe try leaving it at that.




    Hahahaa! Yes! I Now Know I Am One of The "WRINKLIES"!

    That sounds a bit like ... pretty sound advice right there!

    Not bad kiddo.


    Thanks Ian!









  10. Life is interesting.


    Always entertaining!


    Am wondering, trying to figure some things out ... So?

    Have a question?


    If there was any person U could go listen to speak

    Who would You Like to hear???


    Thinking Taoist or otherwise, Wise being the key word here!

    Inspiring? From any stand point!


    Sciences, Religious, Cooking, lol, Philosophy, Whatever?


    Be cool if they were in new England, lol, (might like to check them out!)!

    But anyplace else in this world too?

    Was also hoping for living folks too but maybe someone else jumps to mind!

    Who would you like to hear and see and why?

    Anybody not very well known who you think just seems to really "get it"

    and knows how to share "it" ?


    Thanks ahead of time, not sure i'll get to reply much but think it could be fun

    to see who folks are paying attention to!


    Stay well, enjoy!





    Thank you!

  11. I do Capoeira off and on, and all though it is usually deemed as incredibly impractical, and I'm not saying it isn't, it is both an incredible aerobic and, in the case of an actual confilct, a great way to confuse and/or continually mislead an opponent.


    Hi Moth!

    Nice to meet you!


    Love to watch it! The energy it must take is incredible.

    ... It's hard on a body though, i would imagine?

    LOL, Maybe it would just be hard on My body!!!

    If one can do it, More power to them!!!


    U have fun with it ?

    Must meet some cool people doing it too!


    Stay well,


  12. :D


    I'll take it from there...


    drawn, where goes the whisp...

    leading us deeper onwards

    I wonder where to?



    I wonder where to?

    Hmm?Have i been here before?

    Been gone Way to long!





    I'm not sure how this fits into this thread, but I felt guided to share anyway. I have been a friend to the crystal beings for quite some time, and am caretaking a 10lb Hunan golden healer quartz. It seems to be paired with the shining silver Tibetan black spot of the same size, as a sun and moon energy. It seems to me that the stones have an innate intelligence within them . . . I hear a quiet 'voice' from them at times, asking to be taken here or there (i.e. stone circles of Ireland, top of Huashan, my local waterfall), or given to this person or that. It is a gentle transmission, a gridding of spiritual energy. I don't ask them too many questions, just help them along on their mission.


    As for the crystals being water element, I can see that in some way, as they are formed from water. My teacher says they are Metal. . . as the 'white' or 'clear' color of quartz corresponds with metal element, and they are mineral, yes I see this too.



    Like that :) Thanks.




    Some say water for clear crystals?

    That comes from lots of places.

    Like you said they are formed in water.

    Super saturated goodness!

    But for how many years does water run over the toes of some of them too!

    They tend to have a softer feel on the skin when thats the case...

    Also many cultures of old have seen them to be as clear as ice,

    frozen so hard and long that they became solid...

    some say the tears of dragons...

    Some have a sharpness of metal to them.

    A kind of directness.

    Some grow with metal as close palls(gold and quartz?)

    The Tibetan one you mentioned

    If it's a clear quartz with the black in it?

    Lots of times they contain cassiterite,

    which is tin, can give the stone an ever so slight blue tinge to it ...


    But even within the same kinda stone, from the same location,

    you will find differences as far as elements of "personalities".


    It's a lot of fun to get to know them isn't it!

    Nice to play with.


    Stay well,


  14. Mak,


    What would be some of the Crystals found used in Daoist rituals or magic?





    Spirit Ape


    There is a lot of controversy about such things.

    A bit of fraud, a bit of truth.

    With some things it's much better to do the research on your own,

    then compare findings, and then continue to question them.


    Anyplace there is earth...

    Anyplace there is stones and people...

    The people have worked with the stones.



    Picked up as a child

    known to be special

    kept in a pouch or up on some shelf.


    To know the stones folks work with study the people.

    Look at their jewelry,

    at the things the consider special.

    For some it will be art(icons?), for others weapons (breastplates).

    For some life (what is around the kids necks or used in the puberty ceremonies?).

    For some so is death (Look at how folks are buried).


    Every culture has the known or unknown tradition of touch stones.


    To learn the "magic" (not my word.)

    Sit with a stone

    learn from it

    Feel it

    taste it

    look at it smell it.

    Learn it's habits.

    Learn of it's growth and formation.

    Microcosm, macrocosm.

    Later feel free to check it out in a book or with someone else.

    If you've learned it's nature you will see the reasons for what others say

    or for what you may read

    Or you will see some are right on while others are full of shizzz.(don't want to swear!)


    Some feel energy of stones

    (nothing unusual about it.)

    and others see the beauty(hope all can somehow)

    others skip them in the sea (14 jumps!!!)

    each is a good way

    but each person should find their own way

    not just follow what any other repeats.


    Things get repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated

    and lose there meaning.

    That's when you see rituals become dead.

    Find the meaning by working or playing.

    Keep your own knowledge alive (no matter what's being studied!).

    If you want to know things in a more intimate way.


    Depends where the Daoist is from! Lol

    In China they have some of the most BEAUTIFUL Stones in the world!

    Yes. They have amethyst :)

    and quartz.

    And so many more!!!

    (... and some f the most exquisite fakes ever, lol!!! Know before you buy!)


    But if you want to work with stones?

    go outside.

    Look at your feet.

    Even Asphalt is worked with by some.


    I could tell you some.

    Others here could tell you a lot more probably.

    But it usually won't have much meaning (weight)

    unless it is experienced by ones self.




    Go Find A Stone!






    Stay well,
