Ron Goninan

The Dao Bums
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About Ron Goninan

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    Dao Bum
  1. Available Now! Unique items regarding original White Crane Gongfu! The Master Form: The Entire Written Syllabus: Rare Chinese Martial Arts Texts: Womens Self-Defence:
  2. Seeking some translations

    Hey thanks!
  3. Seeking some translations

    Hi and thanks, I understand. The main aspect I wanted translated was the square shown
  4. Seeking some translations

    Hi I am seeking some transdlation of a few Crane Gongfu diagrams like that shown below: The others I can send via PDF they deal with illustrations of meovemnts with only a small amount of Hanzi. Anyone help?
  5. Zhao Yang Hand Translation?

    Hey thanks! That's great! Really appreciate what you have done!
  6. Zhao Yang Hand Translation?

    Hi, I was sent this by Master Lee Kong but cannot fully get it all. Can somebody please translate it into English for me? 昭陽 <白鶴仙師祖傳真法> 中的 <方七娘白鶴拳十五勢>,就載有 : [跌、砍拳…招陽、……]十五個勢法,並注明如何動作及攻防意義之所在。…….這十五個勢應為當時最早見之於拳譜中的勢法,當是當時所傳教的。 比如十五勢拳譜中所寫: [招 (昭) 陽。白鶴拳法之五:凡拳起手,只要招 (昭)陽,無論他用何勢,可用此勢,大門放過,小門直入。蓋此勢兩手顧鼻面,短牙顧中攔切,戒分腳退後。]……。 ………永春白鶴拳以 “ 寸勁節力 “ 見稱,能集中全身之力,於一剎那間發出,達到最好的持擊效果。要求力從胸起如雷從地發,蓄於身腰,發於臂手。…….. ……..雙手沉肩、墜肘、坐腕成昭陽手,分成三節,肩至肘為內節,肘關節為中節,腕關節為尾節,要做到內節如鐵一般堅實,與肩身成一整體;……… 圈手入側門,坐節沉肘,肩墮;成昭陽手,手入即身入;不用僵力 三) 兩手昭陽、吞吐節力:雙手沉肩、墜肘、坐腕成「昭陽手」,分成三節,肩至肘為內節(根節),肘關節為中節,腕關節為尾節,要做到內節如鐵一般堅實,與肩身 成一整體;中節吞墜,尾節如膠如漆,靈活多變。雙手來去出力發勁,出手時吐氣(吐),收手時吸氣(吞),一吞一吐互相配合無間,堅持「中門不讓,子午不 離」。練習時與肩、頭、背、胯、膝要貫串一氣,互相呼應,如有橡筋互相牽引、拉扯,吞肩坐節(墜肘),發胛力,勁達指尖。出手時節中隨身與胯同向,不可縮 入開出,手節對膝,承接全身各處之力。
  7. Anyone able to translate these images?

    Hi, Thanks any way! You'll be glad to know that I am now a full member of the Zhenlan. Many thanks!
  8. What's the signifigance?

    Here is the Statue of the White Crane Founder Fang Qiniang. What I'm seeking to ask is what is the significance of the object shown in the statue's left hand? Anyone?
  9. Hi, Is anyone able to translate these images into English for me?
  10. Hi, I have some pages lifted from an old book which I was hoping some one here may be able to translate into English?
  11. Well here we go again with an all new White Crane Gongfu Web Site: Love to hear your thoughts and yes criticisms, ideas!!! What are you ideas on the material (Content) presented? Seriously I'd like your views on the presentation, content, good things, bad things, things that may be done differently.
  12. ChiDragon Translation

    Hello ChiDragon, I have to thank you for all the translation work you have done for me. It has been very helpful to me! I have one more translation to ask of you if that is okay. It is avery important one of which i will give you details soon! Again I'd like to thank you in public for all you have done!
  13. I’ve been asked about my position on the origin of Karate. I firmly do not believe that Karate can be traced back to Fuzhou cranes because most Karate folks have little inkling or none at all about this elemental He Quan Quan Jue. It is clearly reflected in how they move. The usual “swallowing, spitting, sinking and floating” that you hear about is really more Fukien, like in Fukien White Crane, Ngo Chor, Tai Chor etc and Shaolin. Fuzhou Crane on the other hand has got the additional “internal” aspect. This is manifested in all our techniques, principles and Fist Poems. In Fuzhou Crane, we are taught that techniques are just but a manifestation of our fighting principles. Forms are the ways and not the ends. Every drills / forms and 2 man sets are designed to teach the body to behave in a certain manner during a fight. Of course the whole idea is to mimic a crane. Fuzhou White Crane is not "Karate" nor is it related to "Hakutsuru." Many within the martial arts world state that there exists a link from Okinawan Karate to that of Fuzhou White Crane but nothing could be further from the truth Fuzhou White Crane as a unique art form and tradition has no verifiable link to Okinawan Karate and even less to that which is commonly termed "Hakutsuru." Okinawans did not get their materials from Fuzhou. They may have acquired it from Fujian / Taiwan or any other part of China but not Fuzhou. Karate researchers are better off looking at Ngo Chor (5 Elders) and Tai Chor (Grand Ancestor) rather that White Crane per se. These 2 styles are greatly influenced by Fukien White Crane and these could be their original source. The Tiger Kung Fu is the very one that the Uechi Ryu people align themselves with.Karate contains very little White Crane. There is some Chinese connection but definitely not White Crane. Most Karate folks talk about Fuzhou White Crane but nothing they do comes close. Goju-Ryu seems more aligned to Ngo Chor. Uechi-Ryu would seem to reflect the essence of Tiger Kung Fu within its technical make-up. Fuzhou White Crane is a totally unique art and is in no way related to modern "Crane Karate" and "Hakutsuru" as taught by other groups. Their purported Crane kata are nothing like what we do in Fuzhou White Crane – especially in relation to fundamental root dissimilarities and not stylistics. It would seem that the only thing they obtained out of Fuzhou is the names of their katas. As for "Hakutsuru", a few think that White Crane is just a couple of crane styles blocks and crane beak hand strikes! Much (if not all) of that passed off as "Hakutsuru" has no relation to real Fuzhou White Crane. This is not some sort of "Crane Karate". Nor is it "Hakutsuru". This is the real art. In Fuzhou Crane, we are taught that techniques are just but a manifestation of our fighting principles. Forms are the ways and not the ends. Every drills / forms and 2 man sets are designed to teach the body to behave in a certain manner during a fight. Of course the whole idea is to mimic a Crane. In Fuzhou Crane these are transmitted in poems-like writing. If you don't have a teacher explaining - it is going to be tough. We don’t just do forms. We also do application drills, sparring drills and conditioning drills within all the various systems. Long-Winded I know!!! ... Just hope this shows what I am trying to say here.
  14. Your Views Please

    ChiDragon, Thank you for your views. White Cranes within nature are just that ….. Within Nature! Natural, living, breathing embodiments of the inherent principle, concepts and natural action that White Crane Gongfu was originally based upon by Founder Fang Qiniang! So why should I (or anyone else) deviate from these original principles found in nature! A good friend of mine who learns from a White Crane teacher in Taiwan said:
  15. Your Views Please

    I have a friend in the UK who comes from a Karate to Kungfu background and this is what he had to say about the form: <<<"Your centre line is too exposed in your Sanzhan form. Watch your elbows, your feet, you breathing. The closing footwork is wrong. Mate can I ask you to please be honest and based upon that of your own experience Gongfu Experience what do you honestly think about this comment???