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Posts posted by Shubin

  1. 3 hours ago, Master Logray said:


    你的post並沒有討論合宗明道集,而是研究作者。 爲何不直接討論大江西派呢?




  2. On 4/6/2024 at 1:42 AM, Taoist Texts said:









    “再来看图四里银镜堂先生写的“合宗明道集再跋 详说耑渡有缘心印”(道10-542)。此文中未提著书之事,只论耑度有缘人(此处耑同专,发音为zhuān)。并且在文末特意提示读者“早结福缘善果,以免错过此门开方便之机缘也”。有些读者会注意到图三左页下部那一幅图,[耑度有缘心印]。全书九卷但此图只有七幅,初集和中集各三幅,上集一幅。另外,处于耑度有缘四字中心的小图形似桃核,其中是两个古陶文“心印”,而且每一幅图里的这两个字,形状都略有变化。如何解读这幅心印图,在上集卷三(道10-541)开头,“铜梁后学胡燮阳”写的“合宗明道集后跋语”里有所解释。

    上集里的题词之一(道10-527)是由“永春山房随缘居士”题写,请见图五左页红线处。其中有一段话值得注意:“非时非人,仙佛有不传之训。今则时不容待而知人又难,只得随缘而已。随缘者,不拘派别年龄,都因缘会以得度。” 读了前面图三和图四里银镜堂署名的题词和再跋,再读过图五左页的题词,估计当年有些读者会大喜过望,因为银先生和永春山房主人明确表示要开门度人,而且不拘派别年龄。众所周知,开门度人是一件大事,不要说是在战乱之中,即使在太平年月,度人之门大开的机缘,恐怕是百年难得一遇。”


                                                        图五 (道10-527)


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  3. 试析《合宗明道集》作者的姓名                                                   







                        图一 (道10-500)



    第二列里,“金艮山人”四个字颇为引人注目。艮为山,“金艮”不就是金山么? 自称“端阳翁”,或许是一位富贵老者,而且他与此页内其他几位有些渊源。大多数清末和民国的书籍,是把编著者的名字放在封面或卷首,捐资者的名字放在书末或封三。一般说来,捐资者或对善书的内容知之不多,或者与编著者素不相识,或持不同的志趣,甚至是生活在不同的年代。此处的“金”字与右边的“冉”字同高,“端”字与左边的“荣”字同高,可见这位富贵老者或许是古渝学道同人之一,而且资历不逊于页内左边四人。如果“端阳翁”是学道同人,他在此处用“金艮山人”这个别号,估计不是为了炫富,很有可能是在暗示他的名字与“银”字有关。因为“金”和“艮”二字横着连写就是个“银”字。  



    第七列的“端阳生”应该是资历较浅者,在他的名号之上给安排了13个字,就把整列都占满了,与最右边的第一列有遥相呼应之势。“上章”相当于“庚”,“执徐”相当于“辰”。如果用农历的写法,庚辰年重阳后又九月,就是“辛巳夏六月”,即民国三十年(1941年)六月。这里放上以“中华”二字开头的13个字,从版面看是使“端阳生”处在比右边四人低一字的位置上。从文字的内容来看,彰显了中华太岁纪年法和古渝学道同人的爱国情怀,因为当时的大环境是中国抗战进入了最艰苦阶段。本书初集第二序(道10-499页)的撰写者“教礼刘明通”在序中写下:“...吾合宗道源师...复念丁斯浩劫,生灵涂炭,敌国外患,糜烂无以加矣!而战云迷漫世界,危如一发千钧。知外道旁门之教义,实不能济此末世之倾危,舍斯道其何以纲维全宇,救人类之灭绝耶?因是乃循门人之请求,录出旧日撰述,选印九卷,名曰《合宗明道集》。”  这一段讲的很清楚,是在门人提出请求之后,“合宗道源师”把自己以前撰述的文字选录出九卷,编篡成《合宗明道集》。


    下面看本书的中集。这里要说明一下,《合宗明道集》全书共三集每集三卷,但只有中集有自己的名字:[玉京法程] 。先看合中黄道堃写的“玉京法程序”,因为其中提到了一位“端阳老先生”。


    请看图二上部右页末列红线处“巴川......”二字,至左页第五列的“问序於子”这一段。把这段内容简化一下以便于理解:“巴川端阳老先生...... 集为一书...... 问序於子”。如果把这一段与上面刘序的末句联系起来看,就可以做一个推理:既然此书(玉京法程)是由“端阳老先生”所集,那么他与刘序里讲的“录出旧日撰述,选印九卷"的“合宗道源师”应该是同一人。只是由于刘,黄二人的身份不同,所以他们对冉道源的称呼不同。在此还可以做一个推测:按年龄看,“端阳老先生”应该是指编校者页上的“端阳翁”,而不是资历较浅的“端阳生”。在本书上集“及门教一子”写的序(道10-528)里提到了“合宗道源师”的年龄。把这一段抄录过来:“......合宗老人,巴川之隐君子也。性既孝友,酷嗜于道。三教经传,百氏典籍,靡不精研实证。年逾稀龄,貌似壮强。慨大道之不明也久矣。翻刻各种善书而外,复将生平心得于修己立人之学,辑为一书。颜曰《合宗明道集》......"。可见此时(1939年)“合宗道源师”已经70多岁了。


    在中集的“玉京法程序”之前,是“玉京法程绪言”(道10-555)。为节省篇幅只把要点抄录过来:“兹有二三道侣...... 体验仙师法程...... 同参各种丹经...... 特选崔公、吕祖、涵虚一派真传之简要次序丹诀...... 集为一书...... 刊板印刷。俾有志学仙者...... 真参实悟...是则集书者之区区微意也夫。痴道人识" 。这一篇又提到了“集为一书”还有“刊板印刷”。这位集书刊板的人是谁呢?自然是指"二三道侣", 其中就有此文落款里的“痴道人”。


    在本书中落款为“痴道人”的文章还有三篇,其一是图二下部的“玉蟾白仙翁行略语录原起”。其二是“崔公入药镜三字经浅解序”(道10-570)。其三是“吕祖百句章白话说明”(道10-575)。现将第三篇文中关于“痴道人”的部分抄录如下:“痴泛览群书,虚劳岁月,已历六十春秋,幸蒙涵虚先生,暗里提携得受《三车秘旨》,参悟《九层炼心》,略识丹道层次。今因未得《百句》真解,聊作一解,......幸甚幸甚! 痴道人记”。可见“痴道人”遇李涵虚先生是在60岁之后。那么再做个推理,因为“痴道人”集录刊印《合宗明道集》,那么他与“合宗道源师”是同一人,与端阳翁也是同一人。




                                                             图三 (道10-563)





    古人在著述末尾处落款里的自称,大约从汉代起形成了一个固定的格式,即名在前,字在后,而且一直为后世所遵从[3]。依此论之,“银”是姓,“公铨”是名,“镜堂”是字。中华传统文化里命名取字都有学问,名与字有固定的组合方式,所以能“闻名即知其字”。铨,衡也。考量以铨。公,平分也。公之为言公正无私也。“镜堂”二字可能出自典故“虚堂悬镜”[4]。因“铨”可称重,“镜”可察形,有审度、鉴察之功能,此二物属于连类相及。故以“公铨”为名“镜堂”为字,是符合名与字的组合方式的。从古人常用的字辈看,“公”是一个常用字。例如明朝初年朱元璋曾赐孔氏八个辈字,“公、彦、承、弘、闻、贞、尚、胤”[5]。 历史名人以“镜堂”为字的,有清代人牛鉴(字 镜堂 ),嘉庆十九年进士[6]。







    [3]《中国人的名字别号》 吉常宏著,商务印书馆1997年版
    [5] 孔氏家谱的流变
    [6]《中国历代人名大辞典》 牛鉴,清甘肃武威人,字镜堂。嘉庆十九年进士。授编修。累官至两江总督。
    [7] 重庆区县方言大测试




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  4. I translated my short article into English with DeepL and Papago, it turned out that DeepL did a better job on some paragraphs, and Papago did a better job on the other.


    Talking about the palace color book "Jindan Album" (Christie's Paris 7/6/2022) 


    An article in The Value Art Magazine said on July 6 that Christie's in Paris "just sold a copy of the Qing Dynasty's alchemy in France. "The 48-page booklet is rich in pictures and text, and features articles on alchemy and related hexagrams, as well as elaborate refining processes and colorful portraits of immortals.
    So rare in the art market, such a successful successful auction, 终600,000, 60 times the value of 60600,000, including $756,000 ($HK$6 million; NT$22.6 million), won the Paris Christie's "Asia Art" auction.

    (Link to The Value article in English)     (Link to The Value article in Chinese)

    As soon as this book appeared, it attracted the attention of the Chinese cultivation community, because it was indeed unprecedented. Someone posted on WeChat, suggesting 2 points. First, there is a picture of Zhu Jian-shen, the Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty, and secondly, this picture book belongs to the Ming Dynasty.

    Christie's in Paris described the album as:
    Lot 71 Colored Silk Coloring Book Page 48
    Size: 24.5 x 22.5 cm
    Source: French collector R.J.S. Collection
    Valuation: 1010, 000 - 15, 000


    According to an article on The Value website, "Among the Qing emperors, Yongzheng was the most devoted to Taoism. According to Qing documents, he placed Taoist talismans in the main palaces, including the Taihe Hall and the Qianqing Palace; he set up a dou altar in the Yangxin Hall of his dormitory; he built a house in the imperial garden for Taoist priests to live in; and he ordered vestments in Suzhou. At the same time, Yongzheng even secretly ordered his ministers to look for hermits and good healers to build a furnace in Yuanmingyuan to make pills for him to take. "


    It is estimated that Christie's Paris will not use above paragraph to identify the album as a Qing Dynasty relic, but will ask the experts to identify it.

    I looked at the photographs in the article, but judging by the clothes of the characters in the paintings, I think they are not Ching Dynasty clothes. 
    In addition, the text in 2 of the photos, there are two places where the word "Xuan" is not taboo. That is, in "Taihe Zhiyi Jindan Tu", the fifth column from the left, the second character from the bottom, and in "Jindan Lun", the second column from the left, the eighth character from the bottom. The Qing dynasty from the Kangxi dynasty that is taboo "Xuan" word, so this album is not the Qing dynasty, and can not be related to Yongzheng, because the Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong four dynasties text avoidance is extremely strict, the number of text prison, the scale of the large, extensive involvement, the killing of the bloody, are said to be unprecedented.

    Is the man in the picture wearing a gauze hat Zhu Jianshen? I think it's difficult to determine just by comparing it with the portrait of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty.However, the man in the painting wearing a gauze hat wearing bright yellow clothes, estimated to be the emperor. If you look closely at the hair inside the hat, you can see that it is black from the forehead to the top of the head, so this man is not "the Manchu people".

    In addition, there is a picture of three people, sitting in the middle, should be the Taishang Laojun (moral god) because he has three stripes on his forehead, and his hair is all white.
    There should be no inscription or seal or title in this album. There are four small characters on the cover of the book " Jindan Atlas", under which it is written "45 open". Because it is not written with a brush, it is not believed to have been written by the original author.

  5. "On 6 July (2022), Christie’s presented an Art d’Asie Sale in Paris, featuring a wide array of Asian art – from imperial porcelains to Tibetan thangka. Surprisingly, it was a Taoist alchemy album from early Qing dynasty (1644-1911) which achieved the highest price and stole the show.
    The 48-page Taoist alchemy album – illustrated with colourful pictures, diagrams and detailed essays – is an ancient Chinese guide to produce a Golden Elixir for immortality."   --- By: Kayan Wong@THE VALUE

    The link to the article


    The link to the article  (Chinese version)

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  6. On 3/15/2022 at 9:05 AM, awaken said:
    1. 我不是教自發功的老師,我是教丹道的老師,我認為自發功自己練就好,但是總會遇到一些笨蛋,太看輕自發功,練了之後,又害怕自發功的氣太強,然後就開始用一些江湖術士騙子學來的方法去壓制自發功的氣,因此造成身體的不適



    No ancient Daoism books mentioned any spontaneous gong。Do you know why?

    In which year spontaneous gong was getting popular?Do you the answer?

    You know a little about Daoism, but believed that you can teach others. 

    The four dhyanas and eight samadhis are belong to Daoism or Buddhism?

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  7. It looks like that you might not understand this poem, or you did not take a look on your translation. 

    In this poem, 周天 is about cycles, not a week or 7 days.

    十月 is (taking at least) 10 mouths, not October.  



    Water and fire are transported in the week,



    In October, the birth of the womb is completed,

  8. It seems for me that DAO BUMS is not so good and not bad, too, but I do not understand why "道家学说" was put there, under "Discussions On the Way", because I could not find a direct connection between them.

    From my point of view, our website has all kinds of discussions and Daoism discussions might not be a significant part. Are there some stories behind the four characters,  道家学说?

  9. Thanks for answering my questions.


    It looks like that you invented "Wuwei Dandao" by yourself,so it is a new method, not something inherited.

    After studied《悟真篇》and《參同契》,  you believed that you are able to understand these two books very well.

    You also believe that your "Wuwei Dandao" matches these two books perfectly.


    In China for more than 1,000 years, people wrote many annotation books or explanatory notes of 《悟真篇》and《參同契》, because they were unable to understand them, so they could not practice methods in the two books because they did not have a chance to learn the methods face to face from a master who had an authentic inheritance. 


    If someone does not know the secret of cultivating golden elixir, and has no inheritance at all, how she/he is able to teach others? 


    It seems for me that you need to write annotation books about《悟真篇》and《參同契》,  and decrypt all metaphors in the two books.  It would be a huge contribution to the world.  People will come to you and follow you, and I might be one of the followers.



  10. 10 hours ago, awaken said:



    Regarding my personal experience, it has already been posted, please take a look at it for yourself, thank you


    But I advise you not to believe too much in the so-called inheritance. Many of them are fake. Many Chinese people on QQ know this.


    If you are referring to the inheritance of the handling method, I have never learned the handling method at all, and I do not want to learn that set of handling methods, so I have no inheritance of the handling method at all.



    Thanks for trying to answer my questions.

    If you're talking about this resume, Posted April 1,  



    I could not find a clue about your master of Wuwei Dandao, so I asked those two questions. 

  11. 谢谢您的详细解释。 

    养气 ,其法是忘形以养气。但忘形是人的自然状态么?在我看来不是。无论是今人还是古人,一个未开悟的普通人不会忘记自己的形,所以他们都一直耗气。忘言也不是人的自然状态。

    Thanks for your detailed explanation.

    ”nourish qi“ or cultivating qi --- the method is by forgetting one's body. Is it a natural status of an ordinary person that he keeps forgetting the body of herself?  I do not think so. Ordinary people, as long as they have not awoken, they will not forget their bodies, so they always consuming qi of themselves. 

    Forgetting words or native language is not the natural status of ordinary people.

  12. 2 hours ago, awaken said:







    Are you in the leaky pavilion?

    Then you shouldn't ask me this question, you should know what's going on.

    If you don't know, then let me tell you, due to the system reset, the account of the leaking house has problems, and a bunch of people can't log in to their accounts, and I am one of them.

    So I can only see content without an account.

    Take a look and repost, that's all.





  13. 五步真气运行法,I would translate it to "The five-steps of genuine Qi  movement“.

    However, it is not a method of Nei dan shu. It is a qigong among hundreds qigongs, and it is not popular any more in China for many years.


    漏盡閣 has nothing to do with a  “leaking house”. It is a website of discussing Nei dan shu and Dao related topics. 

    漏盡 means "leakingless ", and 閣 is a building (pavilion).


    There are hundreds of interesting and important topics posted in 漏盡閣 every year, so I do not understand why you picked a 10 years old boring topic. 


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