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About luxinfinitas

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Sorry for the late response. I can most weekdays work for Skype etc let me know if yourl prefer mornings or evenings?
  2. In that case I'm both interested and happy to volunteer. My knowledge of Zhan Zhuang is surface though as I've never received formal training.
  3. What kind of daily time commitment is someone looking at to volunteer? I'm interested, but I have a lot of coals in the fire, and would hate to commit to something I couldn't finish etc. Also, what kind of diet would this require?
  4. Hello

    Hi everyone! Hope I"m writing this in the right place. New to the site, and to Taoist meditation. It's been a development mainly out of western hermeticism particularly dealing with internal alchemy. I'm from Northwest Indiana, in the U.S. and have been seeking a community concerning Taoism /Daoism for some time now. I'll be started a Qi Gong practice tomorrow at 11 CST.