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About sandokhan

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  1. SI 12 to SOL 12/MI 12 sexual energy sublimation

    On monatomic gold Alchemy is the transformation of matter using the philosopher's stone (fifth element). Philosopher's stone = laevorotatory subquarks (ordinary atoms become baryons) Mercury to gold chemistry experiments: Gold can also be transformed into mercury. The fifth element, ether, can be applied using ball lightning devices. Contrary to popular belief, Soma is the name of the Shadow Moon (not the visible Moon, but the heavenly body which does cause the lunar eclipse). Soma is total silence (shadow), stillness (known as akasha in the vedic literature) - sound cannot propagate without this Soma - it is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, the imagination which could be activated by emotions (purity of soma), the power to create. Soma + Sound = Fire-water In the human body, the philosopher's stone is located in the heart (the atom nous) - alchemy is the soul which transforms matter into spirit, aided by the power of the divine femininity. As Ormus is created through an ancient alchemical process, elements, in their high-spin, quantum or m-state, are manifest. These m-state elements in Ormus are trans-dimensional in nature and behavior. Chemically, ORMUS is supposed to be precious metals (gold, platinum, iridium, etc.) in an exotic state of matter, where the metals do not form any bonds or crystals but exist as separate single atoms. The ORMUS elements differ in a fundamental way from their "ordinary" metallic counterparts. In a sense they can be considered to be parallel to the metallic elements on the periodic table. What differentiates this form of matter from "ordinary" matter is that the ORMUS elements are in a high spin state. This means that the atoms are spinning more rapidly than ordinary atoms. Superconductivity is a property of certain substances which are in a special quantum state (BEC). A BEC is a large group of atoms which behave as a single atom due to their being in a common state. In the case of the ORMUS elements, their superconducting nature creates an energy field around each atom. This energy field is called a Meissner field. A Meissner field resonance couples individual ORME atoms to the point where many atoms can act like a single atom. This resonance coupling between ORME atoms allows you to perform a sort of shadow chemistry on them. It appears that there are varying degrees of ORMEishness. An ORME diatom can have all of its electrons paired up or it can have only a portion of its electrons paired up. If you have an ORME diatom which is partially paired this will leave some electrons available for conventional electron bonding with other elements. This ORME diatom will then have one foot in the ORMUS world and one foot in the metal world. You can use these partial ORMEs to manipulate the full ORMEs chemically. The Ormus state is reached when a normal atom (the groups of 18 tachyons) is transformed into groups of 9 tachyons (baryons). Most scientists think that hydrogen is the first element of the periodic table - not by a long shot. One of Tesla's best friends, Walter Russell, tried to systematize the various elements made up of baryons, mesons, and quarks, and even named them. Here is Walter Russell's ether-matter periodic table: google search: monoatomic gold ormus dangers side effects
  2. hello

    Self-realization means to access your HIGHER SELF (the superconscious presence, the divine presence, the divine femininity in your heart [for a woman, the divine masculinity in her heart, the spirit], the very Soul of God). There is only one way to achieve this: BY IDENTIFICATION. Each and every initiate has used identification to travel toward the higher self. So, it matters WHOM you identify with, since this will determine how far you travel on that magical road. If you identify with some master/guru/lesser deity, than you will not reach your goal, to feel your higher self, which is WHOLLY DIVINE. ‘If you apply your spirit and all your love, every day, to the practice of identification with the supreme being, the source of life, the first cause, the Father of all creatures, there will be a moment when it will be as though God himself and all his splendour, power, love and wisdom were with you." "To discover the presence of God within us, the best exercise is to seek to identify with Him. But to identify with the Lord does not mean persuading ourselves that we have succeeded in reaching Him, and from there, on high, declaring ourselves omniscient and all-powerful. Those who practise this exercise of identification must desire only to be permeated by the immensity of God, and to disappear in this immensity." “Meditation is an activity of the mind- an attempt to deepen your understanding of spiritual truths. Contemplation, on the other hand, is an activity of the heart or soul- you dwell on an image, a quality or a virtue in order to rejoice in its light and beauty and be in communion with it. And on a higher level still, there is the magical activity of identification by which the will and the spirit identify with the creator in order to create." Omraam Aivanhov The activity of identification is the highest possible method/technique which raises the level of our virtues toward the level of divine virtues. It is the only way to achieve success: to feel, live, be empowered by the extatic presence of the divine femininity. Have this image in mind when you identify with God. Enoch 14:14 And behold there was another habitation more spacious than the former, every entrance to which was open before me, erected in the midst of a vibrating flame. Enoch 14:15 So greatly did it excel in all points, in glory, in magnificence, and in magnitude, that it is impossible to describe to you either the splendour or the extent of it. Enoch 14:16 Its floor was on fire; above were lightnings and agitated stars, while its roof exhibited a blazing fire. Enoch 14:17 Attentively I surveyed it, and saw that it contained an exalted throne; Enoch 14:18 The appearance of which was like that of frost; while its circumference resembled the orb of the brilliant sun; and there was the voice of the cherubim. Enoch 14:19 From underneath this mighty throne rivers of flaming fire issued. Enoch 14:20 To look upon it was impossible. Enoch 14:21 One great in glory sat upon it: Enoch 14:22 Whose robe was brighter than the sun, and whiter than snow. Enoch 14:23 No angel was capable of penetrating to view the face of Him, the Glorious and the Effulgent; nor could any mortal behold Him. A fire was flaming around Him. Enoch 14:24 A fire also of great extent continued to rise up before Him; so that not one of those who surrounded Him was capable of approaching Him, among the myriads of myriads who were before Him. To Him holy consultation was needless. Yet did not the sanctified, who were near Him, depart far from Him either by night or by day; nor were they removed from Him. Enoch 46:1 There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. Enoch 46:2 He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness. That is why very important to know and to understand the new radical chronology of history. In this, the correct chronology of history, Christ was not Hebrew, nor was He crucified at Jerusalem, but at Constantinople. And much more recently from a chronological point of view. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament were totally falsified, and written up at the very same time, this being the source of the contradictions, anachronisms inherent in the falsified texts. (five consecutive messages: Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed at least after 1750 AD)
  3. hello

    There is a great deal of difference between a functioning chakra and a chakra which is being activated. A chakra begins to function in relationship to the level of virtues developed/created through the experiences life offers. The sacrum area encompasses three types of energies: the lower auric bodies, the soul/morality auric body (De), the higher auric bodies. Sushumna resembles a thermometer. Those kinds of energies will rise to enable the petals of the chakras to function, based totally on the level of virtue energy contained by the soul/morality auric body (De). The level attained by the soul/morality body represents the internal spiritual "temperature" of a person. In the past, before the time of the Great Flood, those energies could rise independently to reach a chakra; then, various kinds of techniques were devised to reach the red bindu to extract energy from there without paying attention to morality, simply to gain supernatural powers at any cost. After the Great Flood, the entire auric body structure of man was modified in order to let the morality auric body represent the level attained by a certain person. How a person responds to the experiences life has to offer, will determine the level of attraction emitted by a chakra, and thus the rising of the soul/morality auric body's energy, which in turn will permit the other two types of energies to also rise correspondingly. The functioning of a chakra does not involve Kundalini. Trying to attract Kundalini to a certain chakra, without that chakra being first in a state of proper functioning as revealed by a person's level of virtues contained by the morality body (De), will create problems. Let us remember that the various types of techniques devised for Kundalini, do just that: to force the divine femininity energy to a certain chakra. (the dangers of awakening candali/kundalini by force) Kundalini has to be raised by DIVINE INDUCTION, as a result of level of the virtues of a person. Kundalini has a special relationship to the divine femininity in one's own heart. The geometric figures of a chakra will become activated by Kundalini, be it partially, to bestow: geniality, superintuition, the gift of prophecy. This by divine induction. Certainly there will be numerous trials (some of them difficult), in order for those virtues which encompass the soul/morality body (De) to attain a much higher level, to reach as closely as possible the level of divine virtues. So a chakra's geometric symbol parts will become activated, by divine induction. Only an angel has full Kundalini running through the etheric body. That is why us humans must strive to one day become angels, after the end of the fifth age. Some techniques try to activate the petals/geometric symbols of the chakras through sound (mantras) but this will attract attention from the astral world. Morality accompanied by compassion, nobleness, and most important purity, are much more important than asanas, pranayama techniques. Only the higher supernatural powers should be sought: a gift bestowed by the divine femininity, the Soul of God. “Since the stilling of the mind is true liberation and miraculous powers are unattainable without an act of the mind, how can they whose mind is set on such powers enter the bliss of liberation which is the ending of all activity of the mind?” – Ramana “Mouna (silence) is the utmost eloquence. Peace is utmost activity. How? Because the person remains in his essential nature and so he permeates all the recesses of the Self. Thus he can call up any power into play whenever or wherever it is necessary. That is the highest siddhi.” – Ramana “Not realizing that they themselves are moved by energy not their own, some fools are busy seeking miraculous powers. Their antics are like the boast of the cripple who said to his friends: ‘If you raise me to my feet, these enemies are nothing before me.” – Ramana “The siddhis are not the Self itself, but its powers, as are seeing, smelling, thinking, etc., with the sole exception that the latter are common experiences, whereas the siddhis are not. The powers themselves are unintelligent: the intelligent is their possessor. To fix the attention on the powers and not on their owner, who is the reality, is, therefore, like throwing away the pearl and retaining its shell” – Ramana “The force of Self-realization is far more powerful than the use of all other powers. Though Siddhis are said to be many and different, Jnana (True Knowledge) alone is the highest of those many different Siddhis, because those who have attained other Siddhis will desire Jnana. Those who have attained Jnana will not desire other Siddhis” – Ramana “Although the powers appear to be wonderful to those who do not possess them, yet they are only transient. People see many things which are far more miraculous than the so-called Siddhis, yet do not wonder at them simply because they occur every day. When a man is born he is no bigger than this electric bulb, but then he grows up and becomes a giant wrestler, or a world-famed artist, orator, politician or sage. People do not view this as a miracle but they are wonder struck if a corpse is made to speak” – Ramana “In order to display siddhis, there must be others to recognise them. That means, there is no jnana [realization of the non-dual self, the one without a second] in the one who displays them. Therefore, siddhis are not worth a thought. Jnana alone is to be aimed at and gained” – Ramana
  4. you are not your body

    There is no such thing as the theory of relativity. Here is the complete demolition of the concept of spacetime continuum, the faked/fudged Mercury perihelion equations, the faked 1919/1922 GTR tests, STR/GTR, and much more:
  5. you are not your body

    Copernicus is rolling in his grave. (Brian) The complete demonstration that Copernicus is a fictional character invented much later in history, at least after 1600 AD: Whoever cooked up De Revolutionibus was a sun worshipper. In the middle of all sits Sun enthroned. In this most beautiful temple could we place this luminary in any better position from which he can illuminate the whole at once? He is rightly called the Lamp, the Mind, the Ruler of the Universe: Hermes Trismegistus names him the Visible God, Sophocles’ Electra calls him the All-seeing. So the Sun sits as upon a royal throne ruling his children the planets which circle round him. The Earth has the Moon at her service. As Aristotle says, in his On Animals, the Moon has the closest relationship with the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth conceives by the Sun, and becomes pregnant with an annual rebirth (De Revolutionibus, Of the Order of the Heavenly Bodies 10). In order to understand how both Galilei and Kepler were also used as fictional characters in order to induce the idea of heliocentricity, you must start here: the Gauss easter formula. Now you are ready for this: Whoever wrote up the works attributed to Kepler, had to fake/fudge each and every piece of data, here is the amazing discovery that this has indeed been done: Sagnac effect is not just entirely consistent with Relativity but can be derived directly from it. Obviously you haven't done your homework on this one. Here is Dr. Wolfgang Engelhardt, from the Max Planck Institute of Physics, who made a profound discovery: STR does not apply at all to the Sagnac effect. By applying correct relativistic formula composition law for velocities, formula (7) of his paper, the well known infinitesimal time increments formula, used by all relativists, formula (8 ), and the correct derivation of formula (10) (he even provides three well known references on this formula), the author does show that STR does not predict the Sagnac effect. The Sagnac effect is far larger than the effect forecast by relativity theory. STR has no possible function in explaining the Sagnac effect. The Sagnac effect is a non-relativistic effect. COMPARISON OF THE SAGNAC EFFECT WITH SPECIAL RELATIVITY, starts on page 7, calculations/formulas on page 8 page 8 Because many investigators claim that the Sagnac effect is made explicable by using the Theory of Special Relativity, a comparison of that theory with the actual test results is given below. It will be shown that the effects calculated under these two theories are of very different orders of magnitude, and that therefore the Special Theory is of no value in trying to explain the effect. Thus the Sagnac effect is far larger than any purely Relativistic effect. For example, considering the data in the Pogany test (8 ), where the rim of the disc was moving with a velocity of 25 m/s, the ratio dtS/dtR is about 1.5 x 10^7. Any attempt to explain the Sagnac as a Relativistic effect is thus useless, as it is smaller by a factor of 10^7. Referring back to equation (I), consider a disc of radius one kilometre. In this case a fringe shift of one fringe is achieved with a velocity at the perimeter of the disc of 0.013m/s. This is an extremely low velocity, being less than lm per minute. In this case the Sagnac effect would be 50 billion times larger than the calculated effect under the Relativity Theory. Post (1967) shows that the two (Sagnac and STR) are of very different orders of magnitude. He says that the dilation factor to be applied under SR is “indistinguishable with presently available equipment” and “is still one order smaller than the Doppler correction, which occurs when observing fringe shifts” in the Sagnac tests. He also points out that the Doppler effect “is v/c times smaller than the effect one wants to observe." Here Post states that the effect forecast by SR, for the time dilation aboard a moving object, is far smaller than the effect to be observed in a Sagnac test. The article concludes that the Earth (and other celestial bodies) carry their own local ether field with them. A conclusion that I have reached on my own long ago, using a quite different approach. (Michael) Wonderful, but it won't help heliocentricity a bit. In fact the "local ether field being carried along" is actually the last stand of the relativists. It is called MLET, or Modified Lorentz Ether Theory. MLET (Modified Lorentz Ether Theory) is based on the Lorentz transformation (Lorentz factor/contraction), and thus, is equally invalid. The colossal mistakes committed by Lorentz and Einstein in deriving the Lorentz transformation/factor: Dr. Hans Zweig, Stanford University: Also that local ether would mean that we have to add FRICTIONAL TERMS to the RE (round earth) orbital equations of motions. It is now being assumed that those equations form a Hamiltonian, that is, they do not include friction terms. That would unravel the orbits pretty quickly. By the way here is the three body problem paradox, a disaster for heliocentricity:
  6. SI 12 to SOL 12/MI 12 sexual energy sublimation

    Now, an answer can be provided to the question: what are the red and white bindu drops? (Gizeh pyramid chakras) Yuan qi - fire within water - sound within stillness/silence - interplay between the king's chamber and the queen's chamber The original configuration of the Gizeh pyramid included many pairs of stones. "Going up the Ascending Passage, Ninurta reached its junction with the imposing Grand Gallery and a Horizontal Passage. Ninurta followed the Horizontal Passage first, reaching a large chamber with a corbelled roof. Called "vulva" in the Ninharsag poem, this chamber’s axis lay exactly on the east-west center line of the pyramid. Its emission ("an outpouring which is like a lion whom no one dares attack") came from a stone fitted into a niche that was hollowed out in the east wall. It was the SHAM ("Destiny") Stone. Emitting a red radiance which Ninurta "saw in the darkness," it was the pulsating heart of the pyramid. But it was anathema to Ninurta, for during the battle, when he was aloft, this stone’s "strong power" was used " to grab to kill me, with a tracking which kills to seize me." He ordered it "pulled out... be taken apart... and to obliteration be destroyed." Ninurta’s priority was the uppermost Grand Chamber and its pulsating stone.... he reached the Antichamber of unique design...."There three portcullises - "the bolt, the bar and the lock" of the Sumerian poem - elaborately fitted into grooves in the walls and floor, hermetically sealed off the uppermost Grand Chamber: "to foe it is not opened...." But now, by pulling some cords, the portcullises were raised, and Ninurta passed through. "He was now in the pyramid’s most restricted ("sacred") chamber, from which the guiding "Net" (radar?) was "spread out" to "survey Heaven and Earth...." It responded to vibrations with bell-like resonance. The heart of the guidance unit was the GUG Stone ("Direction Determining").... Ninurta ordered this stone destroyed: "Then, by the fate-determining Ninurta, on that day was the Gug stone from its hollow taken out and smashed." Finally there was the Apex Stone of the Pyramid, the UL ("High As The Sky") Stone: "Let the mother’s offspring see it no more," he ordered. And, as the stone was sent crashing down, "let everyone distance himself," he shouted. The "Stones," which were "anathema" to Ninurta, were no more. Destiny stone inside the queen's chamber: fire within water Direction stone inside the king's chamber: red bindu/true dan tien behind the navel If a quark has the dimensions of 10^-18 m, and a subquark 10^-21 m, then a boson will measure 10^-30 m or even less, which means the red/white bindus have a diameter of somewhere in the vicinity of 10^-35 m or even less than that. Red bindu - female force, cavity of vitality, imagination, blood, king chamber, sound/ether White bindu - male force, cavity of the spirit, emotion, seminal liquid, queen chamber, stillness/silence/shadow/aether The apexes of the two pyramids, which meet in the heart in the form of a merkabah, are also made up of the same substances: a smaller red drop in the shape of a tetrahedron which rotates together with a white drop/shadow also in the shape of a tetrahedron. In the center we find the spirit, which provides the energy for the rotation of the two apexes, through the shape of two swastikas (acoustic turbines) which are at the base of each tetrahedron. So, the red and white bindus are two supernatural substances which provide energy and consciousness to the human body/aura: imagination and emotion.
  7. you are not your body

    Life is too short to debate this one. I agree: this is not the place to debate the Sagnac effect. However, understanding the Sagnac effect can reveal all of the mysteries that everyone here has been seeking to decipher. Now, the mathpages you posted here contains several errors. 1. 2. The Sagnac effect is far larger than the effect forecast by relativity theory. STR has no possible function in explaining the Sagnac effect. The Sagnac effect is a non-relativistic effect. COMPARISON OF THE SAGNAC EFFECT WITH SPECIAL RELATIVITY, starts on page 7, calculations/formulas on page 8 page 8 Because many investigators claim that the Sagnac effect is made explicable by using the Theory of Special Relativity, a comparison of that theory with the actual test results is given below. It will be shown that the effects calculated under these two theories are of very different orders of magnitude, and that therefore the Special Theory is of no value in trying to explain the effect. Thus the Sagnac effect is far larger than any purely Relativistic effect. For example, considering the data in the Pogany test (8 ), where the rim of the disc was moving with a velocity of 25 m/s, the ratio dtS/dtR is about 1.5 x 10^7. Any attempt to explain the Sagnac as a Relativistic effect is thus useless, as it is smaller by a factor of 10^7. Referring back to equation (I), consider a disc of radius one kilometre. In this case a fringe shift of one fringe is achieved with a velocity at the perimeter of the disc of 0.013m/s. This is an extremely low velocity, being less than lm per minute. In this case the Sagnac effect would be 50 billion times larger than the calculated effect under the Relativity Theory. Post (1967) shows that the two (Sagnac and STR) are of very different orders of magnitude. He says that the dilation factor to be applied under SR is “indistinguishable with presently available equipment” and “is still one order smaller than the Doppler correction, which occurs when observing fringe shifts” in the Sagnac tests. He also points out that the Doppler effect “is v/c times smaller than the effect one wants to observe." Here Post states that the effect forecast by SR, for the time dilation aboard a moving object, is far smaller than the effect to be observed in a Sagnac test. Each and every possible aspect of the Sagnac effect, discussed here in an easy and accessible manner: (part I) (parts II-VII, six consecutive messages) (parts VIII-IX, two consecutive messages)
  8. you are not your body

    You might want to re-read that first paper. It specifically says that the expected Sagnac effect due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun is an order of magnitude too small to be detectable with current measurement precision. The author mentions that the orbital Sagnac is much larger than the rotational Sagnac effect, but it is not being registered. As such, he is presenting a local-ether model which the IOP thought enough of to publish it. Here is how to correctly calculate the orbital Sagnac effect: It is much larger than the rotational Sagnac, as it should be: the velocity is much larger as is the area required by the formula itself. But it is not being recorded/registered. Now, in order to remove all of your doubts regarding the correctness of my assertions here is the M. Ruderfer experiment (1960-1961), the first NULL result in the history of ether theory. Ruderfer, Martin (1960) “First-Order Ether Drift Experiment Using the Mössbauer Radiation,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 5, No. 3, Sept. 1, pp 191-192 Ruderfer, Martin (1961) “Errata—First-Order Ether Drift Experiment Using the Mössbauer Radiation,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 7, No. 9, Nov. 1, p 361 In 1961, M. Ruderfer proved mathematically and experimentally, using the spinning Mossbauer effect, the FIRST NULL RESULT in ether drift theory. Analysis of the spinning Mossbauer experiments is a natural step toward analysis of the slightly more complex and much larger-scale Global Positioning System (GPS). This system constitutes a large scale near-equivalent to the spinning Mossbauer experiments. The transit time between the satellite and ground-based receivers is routinely measured. In addition, the atomic clocks on the satellite are carefully monitored; and high precision corrections are provided as part of the information transmitted from the satellites. Because the satellites and the receivers rotate at different rates (unlike the Mossbauer experiments), a correction for the motion of the receiver during the transit time is required. This correction is generally referred to as a Sagnac correction, since it adjusts for anisotropy of the speed of light as far as the receiver is concerned. Why is there no requirement for a Sagnac correction due to the earth’s orbital motion? Like the transit time in the spinning Mossbauer experiments, any such effect would be completely canceled by the orbital-velocity effect on the satellite clocks. Specifically, there is substantial independent experimental evidence that clock speed always affects the clock frequency and, as the GPS system shows, the spin velocity of the earth clearly affects the clock rate. This being the case, the null result of the rotating Mössbauer experiments actually implies that an ether drift must exist or else the clock effect would not be canceled and a null result would not be present. A GPS satellite orbiting the Earth, while at the same time the entire system is orbiting the Sun, IS A LARGE SCALE SPINNING MOSSBAUER EXPERIMENT. Given the very fact that these GPS satellites DO NOT record the orbital Sagnac effect, means that THE HYPOTHESES OF THE RUDERFER EXPERIMENT ARE FULFILLED. Why is there no requirement for a Sagnac correction due to the earth’s orbital motion? Like the transit time in the spinning Mossbauer experiments, any such effect would be completely canceled by the orbital-velocity effect on the satellite clocks. However, indirectly, the counteracting effects of the transit time and clock slowing induced biases indicate that an ether drift is present. This is because there is independent evidence that clocks are slowed as a result of their speed. Thus, ether drift must exist or else the clock slowing effect would be observed. In fact, there is other evidence that the wave-front bending and absence of the Sagnac effect in the earth-centered frame is due to the clock-biasing effects of velocity and that an ether drift velocity actually exists in the earth-centered frame. First, the gradient of the solar gravitational effects upon clocks on the surface of the earth is such that the clocks will speed up and slow down in precisely the correct way to retain the appropriate up-wind and down-wind clock biases. Thus, the clocks must be biased or else the solar gravitational effects would become apparent. As if this wasn't enough, the Sun's gravitational potential is not being recorded either by the clocks of the GPS satellites. Such an oscillation exceeds the resolution of the measurements by more than two orders of magnitude and, if present, would be very easily observed. Nevertheless, contradicting the predictions of GR, no sign of such oscillation is observed. This is the well known and so long unsolved non-midnight problem. In fact observations show that the rate of the atomic clocks on Earth and in the 24 GPS satellites is ruled by only and exclusively the Earth’s gravitational field and that effects of the solar gravitational potential are completely absent. On the other hand, the time dilation effect of the solar gravitational field on the atomic clocks orbiting with Earth round the Sun, which is predicted by GR but not observed, is a highly precise observation. It exceeds by orders of magnitude the experimental precision and hence is infinitely more reliable. If the orbital motion of Earth round the Sun suppresses the time dilation due to the solar gravitational field and moreover does not show the predicted relativistic time dilation due to this orbital motion, then it seems reasonable that a clock in a satellite orbiting round the Earth in a direct equatorial orbit or in a jet flying round the Earth too should give no evidence of such a relativistic time dilation. The relativistic time dilation alleged in both these round the world Sagnac experiments is in clear and frontal contradiction with the absence of such a relativistic time dilation effect in the case of the orbiting Earth round the Sun. The missing orbital Sagnac effect coupled with the missing solar gravitational potential effect, and the Ruderfer experiment, prove clearly that the Earth does not orbit the Sun at all.
  9. you are not your body

    Certainly, for the ROTATIONAL Sagnac effect. This is an IOP article. The author recognizes the earth's orbital Sagnac is missing whereas the earth's rotational Sagnac is not. He uses GPS and a link between Japan and the US to prove this. In GPS the actual magnitude of the Sagnac correction due to earth’s rotation depends on the positions of satellites and receiver and a typical value is 30 m, as the propagation time is about 0.1s and the linear speed due to earth’s rotation is about 464 m/s at the equator. The GPS provides an accuracy of about 10 m or better in positioning. Thus the precision of GPS will be degraded significantly, if the Sagnac correction due to earth’s rotation is not taken into account. On the other hand, the orbital motion of the earth around the sun has a linear speed of about 30 km/s which is about 100 times that of earth’s rotation. Thus the present high-precision GPS would be entirely impossible if the omitted correction due to orbital motion is really necessary. In an intercontinental microwave link between Japan and the USA via a geostationary satellite as relay, the influence of earth’s rotation is also demonstrated in a high-precision time comparison between the atomic clocks at two remote ground stations. In this transpacific-link experiment, a synchronization error of as large as about 0.3 ”s was observed unexpectedly. Meanwhile, as in GPS, no effects of earth’s orbital motion are reported in these links, although they would be easier to observe if they are in existence. Thereby, it is evident that the wave propagation in GPS or the intercontinental microwave link depends on the earth’s rotation, but is entirely independent of earth’s orbital motion around the sun or whatever. As a consequence, the propagation mechanism in GPS or intercontinental link can be viewed as classical in conjunction with an ECI frame, rather than the ECEF or any other frame, being selected as the unique propagation frame. In other words, the wave in GPS or the intercontinental microwave link can be viewed as propagating via a classical medium stationary in a geocentric inertial frame. Ring laser gyroscopes and the Sagnac effect: The rotation of the telluric currents/ether strings/wind/drift above the surface of the flat Earth affects the light signal: the difference in time is the Sagnac effect. Ether = subquark strings = chi/qi If you have any further questions, any regarding my messages, please feel free to ask
  10. you are not your body

    The orbital Sagnac effect is not being registered/recorded by the GPS satellites. This is a basic fact of science. The clocks on those satellites are not recording either the Sun's gravitational potential. Another basic fact of science. If the Earth was orbiting the Sun, the orbital Sagnac would show up immediately. Our GPS satellites function BECAUSE the orbital Sagnac is not being recorded. Here are all of the details: Here is the double forces of attractive gravitation paradox: Nasa and Esa are trying their best to keep the fact that the surface of the Earth is actually flat and not spherical, the fact that the Earth is stationary and much more, under the lid. Here is the Biefeld-Brown effect, videos/full vacuum, which defies Nasa's claims: I repeat, the astral world, and the human aura could not function/exist on an orbiting Earth: given the 107,000 km/hr speed, each and every aspect of the astral world, the etheric/astral/mental/higher bodies of the human aura would be left behind, as they contain particles which are not subject to the law of terrestrial gravity.
  11. you are not your body

    Of course. It is the Sun which orbits above the surface of the Earth. The solar eclipse is not caused by the Moon, as proven by the Allais effect: (I even included photographs of the Black Sun/Rahu) But this is not the greatest conspiracy/secret that has been hidden from us. The true shape of the Earth is a part of larger subject, called the new radical chronology of history. I have tried my best to provide the answers needed in order to gain a better understanding of how history has been forged to make us believe in past events which never actually happened: (five consecutive messages: Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed at least after 1750 AD) Gauss' Easter formula applied to history: The arctangent infinite series used at the Gizeh pyramid (four consecutive messages):
  12. you are not your body

    Could it be that we are much more than stardust? This is what our universe actually looks like: If the Earth were really orbiting a star, the Sun, at some 107,000 km/hr then the human aura, the astral world, could not exist. The human aura contains laevorotatory subquarks (left handed spin), antigravitational particles which are not subject to the law of terrestrial gravitation. The same can be said about the astral world. In an instant, a matter of a fraction of a second, all the antigravational particles would be left in the cold vacuum of space, with the Earth travelling onward at that speed of 107,000 km/hr. Only on a stationary Earth is life possible. Three questions. Where is our universe located? What is the scale of our universe? Where is the only place a universe could have been created? (biochirality and terrestrial gravity) Few people, physicists, researchers know that the GPS satellites do not record the orbital Sagnac effect, which would have to be registered if the Earth were really orbiting the Sun. On ring laser gyroscopes:
  13. you are not your body

    “The universe is more like a giant thought than a giant machine and the substance of the great thought is consciousness which pervades all space.” Sir James Jeans Spirit – transcendent verb Thought/Emotion – intentional/visualized verb (desire) Imagination – potential verb (word for the idea/emotion) (knowledge) Sound – manifested verb (action) All particles from the proton to the boson are resonating cavities, sound. Thoughts and feelings are aether, the medium through which ether (sound) travels. Chronological Time Psychological Time Real Time (Eternity - Spirit) The human spirit is located in the heart. The human soul is located in the area of the throat. The pineal gland acts as divine mirror which channels the energy/subquarks/bosons through the silver cord into the brain/chakras. The pineal gland is the third spiritual eye. The thalamus gland is the third astral eye. Muladhara chakra = subterranean chamber Swadhistana chakra = queen chamber Manipura chakra = king chamber Solar plexus = king chamber djed Anahata chakra = missing apex Now let us imagine an inverted Giza pyramid. Sahashara = subterranean chamber Ajna = queen chamber Visuddha = king chamber Anahata = missing apex The upside down pyramid is the shadow of the other. In the heart the two apexes rotate in the form of a merkabah. This is called parabindu.
  14. SI 12 to SOL 12/MI 12 sexual energy sublimation

    "There are many people, groups, Yoga schools, and spiritual movements that talk about awakening Kundalini, and they teach many different types of techniques and practices; they talk about Bhakti Yoga and Raja Yoga , and they talk about different kinds of Meditation and mantras and all kinds of practices that you can do to awaken your Kundalini. None of them work if you ignore the Divine Mother. That is why so many people have gone into these groups full of faith, full of hope, full of enthusiasm and tried and tried and tried, and leave disappointed, because they never work with the Divine Mother inside of themselves. They are attempting to force the Divine Mother to do something that she will not do unless we deserve it. In other words, to convert her power in us, which is now static, into kinetic energy, we have to earn that. You can repeat a mantra 100,000,000,000 times, and you will not awaken that energy if she does not want it awakened in you, because that energy IS Her, it is the universal Mother particularized into our individual Divine Mother, latent and waiting in us. You cannot outsmart the Soul of God, the Divine Femininity, and everyone thinks they can. People believe if you pay $500 to a certain school, and they teach you these secret techniques, and you do this and that, they will promise you that will awaken your Kundalini in two weeks or six months. They are lying, because they only want your money, or power over you, or they want to be famous, or whatever it is they want. The Divine Mother rewards her true disciples. She awakens the one who deserves it, and she awakens us through her energy made kinetic in us; that energy rises up the spinal column and awakens us. Kundalini, the active energy of the Divine Mother, can only be awakened by a very precise application of knowledge. It cannot awakened accidentally. There are other kinds of energy that can awaken accidentally, because there are many energies in the body. There are many tools and devices in the body that scientists and doctors have no clue about. Those can be activated, just through cause and effect. But, Kundalini is the intelligence of the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother does not make mistakes. The Divine Mother is the very power and energy of God, which only acts through the will of God, never through an accident, never by being tricked, never because of money, but only because of Karma: cause and effect."
  15. (the difference between qi/chi and gong/kundalini) The Eastern european idea of sublimating energy is the major difference between this view and the methods employed in Dao/Tantra. Bringing sexuality into one's consciousness, without that energy having been first sublimated/transmuted into the Divine Soul, will generate impure energy. In this view, sexuality is not used to energize oneself, but rather as a holy gift, which can connect us to the divine femininity (for a man) and to the divine masculinity (for a woman) living in one's heart. Tadagi Mudra (the origin of Uddhiyana Bandha), Virya Mudra (the highest form of sexual sublimation for the Vamacari Yogis), the Macrocosmic orbit can only move the lower part/form of sexual energy; to activate the higher components one needs the higher virtues. Surely, the higher virtues developed/created will mean higher energy for the other lower auric bodies. From Gnosis, volume II (all three volumes can be found in pdf format on the internet), B. Mouravieff explains how sexual energy, the ens virtutis (to distinguish it from ens seminis), SI 12 in Gurdjieff's terminology, has to be transmuted/sublimated into SOL 12, higher virtues. Also, this energy has to be further refined into MI 12, superintuition, geniality, and of course, even further, reaching Hydrogen 6 and even 3, the gift of prophecy. As it enters the emotional centre the energy SI-12 accelerates its vibrations, and this enables it to transform this sexual energy into SOL-12, following a momentary intervention by the higher emotional centre. Let us now see what happens in the motor sectors of the emotional centre following this abundant production of fine, pure energy SI-12. It reacts quite differently from the intellectual centre. We must remember that in the exterior man the emotional centre does not work with the Hydrogen 12 which should normally nourish it, but with the Hydrogen 24 proper to the motor centre. The overflow of the energy SI-12 into the motor sectors of the emotional centre provokes a strong resonance in the other sectors of this centre – a resonance which can produce the two following phenomena: – the intellectual sectors of the emotional centre engage in a lovegame led by the intellectual centre in harmony with the motor centre; the heart is then flooded by an influx of tenderness which is of an incomparably higher level than that to which it is used when it is only nourished with energy 24; if the call of the energy SI-12 coming from the motor sectors of the emotional centre is sufficiently intense and pure, a momentary flash of the consciousness of the real ‘I’ may be felt. This is produced in the following manner: the influx of tenderness due to the energy SI- 12 opens up communication with the higher emotional centre, from where a wave of energy SOL-12 from the higher octave flows to meet the SI-12 with which the motor sectors of the lower emotional centre are infused. Then, by induction, the energy SI-12 is subject to transmutation and can become SOL-12. When this happens, the organism receives an abundant influx of new energy. Even if only for a few moments, the couple taste this higher Divine condition which is Beatitude, a taste which leaves a feeling of relaxation and ineffable peace in its wake. This sudden revelation of the androgynous consciousness is marvellous. It in no way resembles anything that the poor human intellect can imagine, nor anything that the motor centre can imitate, although the latter tries to create something similar by usurping an abundant quantity of energy SI- 12 from the sexual centre. The androgynous consciousness is established following the inflow of the energy SOL-12 which spontaneously floods the human heart. This energy, which comes from the higher emotional centre, has an effect that is totally unknown to even the most refined human Personality, with its 987 little I’s, as long as it is only moved by the three lower centres. This energy is intended to fill the interval between MI 48, the energy of active thought, and FA 24, the energy of attention, which are both practically exhausted every day. This means that adamic man can never accumulate a sufficient reserve of the energy SOL 12 to pass spontaneously to LA 6 following the linear steps of the transmutation of Hydrogens. The epicyclic movement between the three groups of organs takes place in the order 8-5-7, that is, SOL 12- MI 48-FA 24. Obviously, with this chronic deficiency of SOL 12, this movement does not bring any substantial aid. Yet the epicydic action of SOL 12 is necessary to activate the third gamut of nutrition, that of impressions. By communicating a complementary impulse to MT 48 and FA 24, SOL I 2 creates the conditions necessary for a man to pass to the practice of constatation of his own impressions-an indispensable condition for DO 48 to begin to act. The transmutation of the Hydrogens can then begin: from DO 48 it passes without difficulty to RE 24, then from RE 24 to MI 12; once there, it stops before the interval that sepatates MI 12 from FA 6. We have already seen how this stage in the transmutation of Hydrogens can become active through the practice of courtly Love on the Fifth Way. It follows that the disciple who wishes to connect his higher centres with his waking consciousness must possess a vigorous and healthy organism, and must be in conditions where he can obtain the best food and air to breathe, and will be nourished with abundant impressions of good quality. Besides this, he must produce in his organism a sufficient quantity of Hydrogen 12 and Hydrogen 6 – one being of a different shade” from the other. We must underline the fact rhat we can never obtain this result in a natural way; it is necessary to make sustained and conscious efforts oriented towards: At the time of his Second Birth, man acquires a permanent consciousness of his real ‘I’, which is a monad of the Absolute 11. He reaches this through his higher emotional centre. Strong in this consciousness, he becomes capable on the one hand of progressively creating a link with his higher intellectual centre, which gives him access to the mind of Christ, the consciousness of the Absolute I, and on another hand, of establishing his authority over the motor centre. Then the lower emotional centre, which has already been absorbed by the magnetic centre, but without losing its individual structure, takes its place within the higher emotional centre. Thus man 5, thanks to the permanent consciousness of his real I, benefits from a double current of Love -the Love from the Absolute II, to which the Love from the Absolute I is graduaIly added, and which pervades him through his higher centres. We have seen that the energy SI 12, diverted from its usual destination and surrounded by the SOL 12 and MI 12 acting as higher auxiliaries, formed the essential factor in the general transmutation. A victory over negative emotion brings an inflow of joy into the lower emotional centre. This joy is an expression of the abundance of the energy SI-12 released by constatation. This latter makes the lower emotional centre vibrate at the rapid rhythm that is normal to it, and this enables the establishment of instantaneous contact with the higher emotional centre and triggers the release of a current of energy SOL-12 from the latter. This indicates that, correctly practised through introspection and effective within the limits of the individual Present, constatation enables man to win a total victory. The inflow of higher joy that the current of energy SOL-12 liberates can then transmute the energy SI-12 freed from the mixture into SOL-12 by induction. The duration of the contact between the lower and higher emotional centres established by this can then be prolonged. It is the energy SI-12 stored up by the motor centre which mixes with the energy of one or more passions-which have the heavier density of 24-to give birth to negative emotions. Afterwards, in this mixed state, it penetrates the motor sectors of the two other centres and makes them vibrate. The emotional centre then vibrates in a violent way. The same mixture of energies gives the intellectual centre an inventive but always calculating orientation, rendering it cunning and capable of all kinds of lies. (Gurdjieff's octaves)