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Everything posted by Aletheia

  1. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    edit: I'm going to try and do a media fast for a week or so.
  2. The Concept of Phenomenon

    These are illuminated and made manifest in the realm of the "noumenon" -- only accessible via the soul. The noumenon is not only what lies behind all phenomena of waking consciousness it also, according to Kant, demarcates the limit of scientific knowledge. The noumenon is otherwise known as the thing-in-itself i.e. reality!
  3. The Concept of Phenomenon

    Dr Yan Xin says images of meditation ought to be regarded as a foundational aspect of reality!
  4. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    So there's real virtual reality of quantum biology, there's also the simulated paralleling of reality by the techno-virtual matrix and there's people going for it with Platonism still too i.e. the rational man of the sciences etc. lol. Of course only one world is the real world and if you look around you now the world you think you're in and the things produced in your world are actually fabricated holographic shadowy aspects of the real real, 4 real!
  5. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Okay, well I want to listen to audiobooks and meditate tomorrow so I'll leave this comment here for now. First order of the simulacrum is a good representation of reality/forms/ideas by something like the bible during the time of the invention of the print-press. So the bible can be copied by the press and what it represents is faithful to the original cause. Second order of the simulacrum is essential machinic aura stealing of representation i.e. a machine reproducing copies of the eiffel tower during the industrial revolution. McLuhan's extension of the body's muscles. 3rd order of the simulacrum is something like the photograph where machines produce images without representation to any given form. 4th stage full simulated society is unprincipled production of reality by the machine i.e, the TV whose images, signs and symbols bare no relation to Platonic objectivities -- Hyperreality overcoding and preceding all previous ideas about reality.
  6. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Right. I can't keep posting here, that's why I tried to delete this thread. It wastes my time and energy.
  7. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Okay I clicked on and found this quote - "A formless void meditates on exponential space time events" Pretty sure that's wrong because exponentials are Platonic. You'd have to ask drew about that because I;m not really into that stuff. Reminds me, I did see a funny video the other day concerning both Jean Baudrillard and Chopra - lol
  8. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    But I'm not new age, new age is particular to the 60s and 70s of north western european culture. In philosophy we call this period "4th stage simulacrum as full simulation" or Heidegger's total forgetting of Being which he talks about in his lecture/essay The Question Concerning Technology etc. What I'm talking about is always true. That's why I'm willing to bet my house on my abilities. I can back up my philosophy with actual miracles just like the saints and shaman can too!
  9. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    In Platonic philosophy i.e. western mathematics, the divine creates the forms or the original ideas, then the demiurge creates the world as a copy of the ideas and then Plato says the poets are not allowed in to his republic because their art is too far removed from the world of the original ideas i.e. copies of a copy of an original. So I paint a picture of a tree and that's a copy of a tree which itself is a copy of an original idea and that's not allowed because only mathematics is allowed to condition nature in western thinking. So that's why swivel-eyed geeks love mathematics so much and believe its the language of the cosmos. The word "poet" comes from the word poiesis - Martin Heidegger refers to it as a 'bringing-forth' (physis as emergence), using this term in its widest sense. He explained poiesis as the blooming of the blossom, the coming-out of a butterfly from a cocoon, the plummeting of a waterfall when the snow begins to melt. The last two analogies underline Heidegger's example of a threshold occasion: a moment of ecstasis when something moves away from its standing as one thing to become another. So poetry really means nature's ecstatic self-creation, a coming to presence from herself. Anyway, you can definitely put it all together again with Heidegger's philosophy. Just have to do the meditation and learn a bit history and some of the lost ways prior to Plato.
  10. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Everything begins, and ends, at the San trance dance with drew's alchemical music "theory" as far as I'm concerned. That's the only way to make real sense of things! So we can say drew has a completed, working and unified theory of everything, I think!
  11. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Plato at it again lol
  12. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Because it can only be realised in "first nature," in a pre-civilisation state of awareness before solar settlements, as cosmic embodiment prior to technological extensions mutating social formations like cancerous outgrowths upon earth.
  13. Fake "Bob Dobbs"
  14. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    He's not really fake because there's no original. He works undercover and is actually the real thing. Here he's being interviewed by a Bucky Fuller fanatic. Only drew knows the secrets to "cold fusion." Fake "Bob Dobbs" understands media ecology best!
  15. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Okay I meant to post this video. So I'm claiming getting out of linear time is the first step away from ego thinking -
  16. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    edit see next post!
  17. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    The ego creates interiors, like you are inside your head, and thinks in linear time. If you realise that linear time is an illusion then interiors and ideas about distance and place begin to break down too. So you have to first get out of thinking linear time is real time because it's most certainly not! So we reach out into the future and retain what is past to make present the clearing of the now. Successive now points on a time-line, past/present/future, as a visual metaphor is pure abstraction, its not really how the concrete world actually is.
  18. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Well if drew is building strawmans I'd go with it because last time I checked I had massive warm magnetic fields with fizzing static vortices around my body and electric energy coming out of my dan tien like forked lightening and can shock my palm with sword fingers when I tense my dan tien. COME ON GUYS WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
  19. I saw some relatively new Peter Kingsley videos a month or two ago. Right I'm thinking of the same channel you posted. The western tradition sucks ass. There's no tradition other than the dead presocratic era and really I think it's a serious problem! That's what Heidegger was always on about. It's beyond bizarre no one gets it even when it couldn't be more obvious! There's a Mike Jay video I watched that's pretty good. I was reminded after seeing a video of his on that channel -