
Junior Bum
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About Johnny

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  1. 8 Healing Sounds

    There is a great dvd with Jason Tsou called Bagua Chi Kung "secrets of the dragon" were there is 9 sounds, 8 + "central palace". The sounds corresponds with the more common 6 healing sounds, and then some extras. Personally I really like this dvd. / Johnny
  2. Hello

    Hi, everybody. Soon to be fifty years old/young living in Sweden, I recently started a bagua qigong practice that feels absolutely great for me, hence my interrest in this place. Story: I have been doing Tai Ji (Yang long form 108), qigongs and yogas for 25 years. Teacher in the diciplines for about 10 years. I started for my spiritual interest and for my, at that time, rather weak health. But 10 years ago I stopped teaching (for various reasons) and vent into university and find myself now by a desk as a social worker. Ofcourse theres has been a change in my body (for the worse) and my bankacount (for the better) going from 10 -15 classes a week to only my own practice. Various backproblems and migrane has developed. The bagua training has really lifted me in a very short time and given me back a sense of what it feels like to be healthy again, and very importantely the fire of inspiration. So Im ready to explore, certainley in these pages here... Regards / Johnny