
Junior Bum
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About IllusionaryFox

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. because i'm a curious guy, and always want to know more. plus i don't know anyone in person to connect to about this stuff. maybe the question is why do you feel the need to question this as being a big deal?
  2. wow this tread appears to have become pretty dead, I'm re-reading pathnotes and really loving the story and narrative, feeling connected through Dr morris to his students. Are there any of his past students on here? I'd love to talk shop, being an avid martial artist and experimenting with the esoteric side myself. Plus it would be nice to know if the Doc's self description and some of his stories really hold up to other peoples experience of him.
  3. Introduction

    welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for here on the forums!
  4. I was reading through this thread and noticed that this information is not included so I'm going to add it here for a bit of an extra boost to the secret smile. There are a few safety points Morris spoke of that can be useful when the energy becomes too intense or trapped in the head. 1) The wellspring of life points on the bottom of the feet are used as a ground and can be used to shed excess energy. This point is also very useful for dealing with the 'fuzzy head feeling' 2) The back of the knee can be used to hold energy. 3) The meng mein, the point on the back opposite the Dan tien is used to send energy down, and is useful for preventing energy headaches or discomfort, use this point in conjunction with the wellspring of life to release excess energy. 4) The Dantian two finger widths below the navel is used to store energy and after each meditation the energy should be brought back there, and rotated first clockwise then counter clockwise for men, and the reverse for women. ***Spinning the energy in the dantian after the meditation is extremely important according to Morris, who suggests that it could be done 81 times because of the Buddhist magic 9x9.*** Initially this meditation can cause feelings of anger, agitation, depression, blockages in the heart and throat chakras, headaches and old problems rising up. This eventually passes, and must be endured, and is referred to as the 'way of endurance' I made a similar post to this in a different thread, but have updated and added a bit to it, and feel that it is very relevant information to this thread.
  5. Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation

    I agree that there are no guarantees when it comes to anything there could be blocks or reasons unknown for delays. That being said I can say that the secret smile and microcosmic orbit are very powerful techniques they may seem basic at a first glance but yield great results. There are a few safety points Morris points to though. They can be useful when the energy becomes too intense or trapped in the head. 1) The wellspring of life point on the bottom of the feet are used as a ground and can be used to shed excess energy. 2) the back of the knee can be used to store energy temporarily 3) the meng men ( not sire if that is spelled right ) the point on the back opposite the Dan tien is used to draw energy down, and is useful for preventing energy headaches or discomfort 4) the Dan tien two finger widths below the navel is used to store energy and after each meditation the energy should be brought back there, and rotated first clockwise then counter clockwise for men, and the reverse for women.
  6. greetings !

    Oh awesome! I always appreciate links to my interests!
  7. How do.

    Hello welcome! Which martial arts are you interested in? I hope you find good vibes here there is lots to learn and discuss.
  8. hallo its good to be home

    Hey welcome back! Sucks about the passwords though.
  9. Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation

    This thread is relevant to my interests, as i have just started to pursue a kundalini awakening more seriously myself. mostly following path notes, and supplementing with jin shin.
  10. What does "Qi cultivation" mean to you?

    To me it means increasing available qi energy and ease of flow. Also improving the quality of my qi and its effectiveness/ my control over it etc. the end result of 'qi cultivation' would probably have to be having more available the moment i call it up, instead of having to 'charge up' as it were.
  11. greetings !

    Ok got it, thanks for the heads up. I read the terms and rules, and the first two pinned posts. I.Fox.
  12. greetings !

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking here for a while occasional google searches send me here and I thought I'd finally make an account. I began studying basic energy work and traveled through meditation qi gong reiki and other methods to end up in a practice fairly free of any one system. I always found myself gravitating back to Glenn j Morris meditations and techniques and have been working with the secret smile for a while now. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in jyn shin and use it to supplement my practice. I'm hoping to learn more and am working towards awakening the kundalini. I live in Ontario Canada am in my mid 20's and am still working my way through a science heavy education. I'm sure I'll see you in the forums, IllusionaryFox.