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About shunka

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  1. Greetings Earl, good to see you are still with us!

  2. The origin of hatha yog

    I must disagree... Claiming that " hatha yoga is Scandinavian gymnastics, which came to India in 20 years and was overgrown with Indian terms. " is like claiming that Bruce Lee invented GongFu. Firstly, the article is based on a single book of Scandinavian gymastic poses: " In the hall full of silent scholars, I opened it and leafed through picture after picture of men and women in familiar postures. Here was Warrior Pose; there was Downward Dog. On this page the standing balance Utthita Padangusthasana; on the next pages Headstand, Handstand, Supta Virasana, and more—everything you might expect to find in a manual of yoga asana. But this was no yoga book. It was a text describing an early 20th-century Danish system of dynamic exercise called Primitive Gymnastics. Standing in front of my yoga students that evening, I reflected on my discovery. What did it mean that many of the poses I was teaching were identical to those developed by a Scandinavian gymnastics teacher less than a century ago? " We see similarities because nothing is really new. In my rather extensive studies I have found that the Japanese Bear Cult is nearly identical to the Finnish Sami Bear Cult. I found the Sami Bear rituals almost identical to the American Ute Bear rituals. I found Tibetan Buddhist scrivening virtually identical to Scandinavian Shaman "reading the bones" . The Japanese Ainu have almost identical rituals to the Pacific Northwest Tribes. OMG Does this mean they originated somewhere else? Aha let us consult "Chariots of the GOds" for answers! NO not really. This means that there are certain basics that enlightened experts come upon independantly. We all walk about the same way. Many of us bend the same way. Advamced practictioners have independantly learned how to do the same things. Balancing is one Arm locks, wrist bars, leg sweeps, etc, are all practiced by wrestlers all over the world, and they all came up with them themselves. snip---------------- The earliest references to hatha yoga are in Buddhist works dating from the eighth century.[192] The earliest definition of hatha yoga is found in the 11th century Buddhist text Vimalaprabha, which defines it in relation to the center channel, bindu etc.[193] Hatha yoga synthesizes elements of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with posture and breathing exercises.[194] It marks the development of asanas (plural) into the full body 'postures' now in popular usage[179] and, along with its many modern variations, is the style that many people associate with the word yoga today.[195] endsnip---------------- I submit that this predates Scandanivian gymansts by quite a few years. And neither Eric Von Deniken nor some "omg lookj what i just doscovered" guy can change actual facts. Occams razor is the best tool here. Now, if we want to discuss "modern western yoga" well, yah, it has evolved so far it is not really like the eigth century hatha yoga. But what is? That still doesn't mean that hatha yoga was invented in Nordic land. facts, not conspiracy shunka
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry is currently busy with other obligations, it is my understanding he will return here to answer questions as soon as he can. please be patient. walk in beauty shunka
  4. I would even be interested in a discussion of the "Apostolic Fathers" and their writings, or the Gnostics, or the Essenes, or the Ecumenical Councils and what was done and why, or "which books were included in the Bible" and why some (especially from the Apostolic Fathers) were left out, or a compare-and-contrast of ..... but nevermind, I see the fellow has left. Dang and I never even got to mention the story about the very brief conversation with the Guy On The Corner who was trying to tell us "God Told Me that you must..." Ervin - Bless you too. walk in beauty shunka
  5. It is known

    I new of the crisis in Moscow, but I had completely forgotten " Tanks of the Taman Division shelling the Russian White House on 4 October 1993 " thanks learn from history, or be doomed to repeat it. shunka
  6. simplify

    tip o' the hat
  7. My Dear Ervin - Whilst I have in fact whiled away the odd half hour engaging various individuals with a freindly scholarly Biblical discussion, it is not something I do regularly. With all respect, and no animosity, the above sounds awfully like what I hear from the door-to-door prosletyzers. When one says His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour That pretty much says it all and stops all further intellectual discussion. If on the other hand, one were to ask if any were interested in, say, "a discussion regarding Yeshua of Nazareth and (fill in the blank) " you would likely find more interested respondants. I myself, for example am always interested in serious discussions if they involve (for example) the various translations from the original Aramaic or (secondary) Greek and (for example) how well-learned scholars differ on the "exact" or even "best-guess" meaning of the passage, especially when put in context of the complete entry, and regarding the "common use of the language of the era". However, if an Original Poster is interested only in one of the many modern translations as the "cast-in-stone" direct word of יְהֹוָה then I am not particulalry interested. with all respect shunka
  8. Quote or misquote

    Lrn2 and Mig went to "the source" , which I always find to be a good idea. This quote sounds more like something Uncle Iroh would say from "The Last Airbender", so, being a curious sort, I thought, lets work backwards, "where did this 'new age' type quote originate?" if one googles it, one finds tens of thousands of places using it, but it originates from only one book - one of those fluffly "inspiring quotes from all over" books with vague attributions and no good "cites" . It turns out it was a compilation "edited" by Kim Lim, a newl graduate of the University of Virginia from Singapore who came to the U.S. to study and stayed working at "Skyhorse Publishing" as an editor. I could not find any other authorship, translations, or scholarly works attributed to her, only as "editor". But , hey, that's more than I have done ! So, from a scholarly perspective, I would be inclined to discard that quote and line of thinking. what I found: ======================= Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe. — Chuang Tzu Quoted in Kim Lim (ed.), 1,001 Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom: Words to Enrich, Inspire, and Guide Your Life (2014), 184 ======================= from amazon: Editorial Reviews About the Author Kim Lim is a recent graduate of the University of Virginia, where she wrote her final year thesis on the translations and eros of Vladimir Nabokov. Her concerns are laughter and food, and she edits poetry at OF ZOOS, an online literary and art magazine. She is from Singapore. ======================= possibly this person: ======================== in 2018 from here I’ve been working in the publishing industry for four years, editing and acquiring books for Skyhorse Publishing, an independent publisher in New York City. I’m originally from Singapore. I studied English at the University of Virginia. ======================== I can only find one other book by a "Kim Lim", and it is clearly a different person: ======================= hope this helps, walk in beauty shunka
  9. It is known

    I I really prefer TaoMeows' Armored Cat & Samurai Her you go, TaoMeow:
  10. It is known

    why not make it a powered exoskeleton suit ? Go to Japan and you would have the fanboys all over you from【photos】
  11. Vegan or vegetarian in Daoism

    Here is another insight into the modern Japanese philosophy of eating whether 'tis meat or vegatables. My Lovely Spousal Unit (She who Must Be Obeyed) has just reminded me of the lovely Japanese tradition of saying "thanks for the food". It seems uniquitous whether Buddhist, Shinto , or "whatever". The phrase "Itadakimasu" is uttereed at the beginning of meals. every.single.meal. It is commonly translated as in phrasebooks as "thanks for the meal" , but it is far more than that. The literal translation is either " "I humbly receive" or " I will humbly accept it” (depending upon your source) However, the translation does not reveal the deeper meaning. This phrase is meant to honor everyone and everything involved with making the meal. Not only The farmers, fishermen, and whoever prepared your meal, it also gives thanks to the animals and plants which sacrificed themselves to become the meal itself. And SWMBO further expounded - the rice or other grain sacrificed it's babies (the seeds!) for us to eat. walk in beauty shunka
  12. It is known

    I know it's a little old, but bew to us tortoises... now playing on Amazon: SAMURAI CAT
  13. excellent point! For example, I do not have to be a "spousal abuser" in order to recognise "spousal abuse" behaviour in another person. All I have to be is "sufficiently educated in the topic" and "observant". walk in beauty shunka
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I just recieved Chigung for Health and TaiChi for health, will be working with them and try to report back. asavakkhaya - Hopefully Sifu Terry will come by soon. I cannot answer for him, but I find that in other styles, it is sometimes important to separate the fingers and at other times cup them together. So I find that wearing a stocking hat helps keep my hands & feet warm. But if that doesn't work I got some inexpensive fleece mittens and even tho I cannot see my fingers, I can splay them or whatever is needed for the form. walk in beauty shunka
  15. The Cool Picture Thread

    My Good Nungali - would you be so kind as to throw us poor northern hemispherians a hint as to at least the genus of those cute tiny things? I daresay if I were to venture a guess it would turn out that they were Australian WompRats? walk in beauty shunka