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Everything posted by TheExaltedRonin

  1. Focused purely on breath? Inward examination? Awareness?
  2. Would it be to commentate in your mind everything your doing? Ex: I am walking. I am turning my head to look at the sky. I'm looking at the sky. I'm moving to the left to avoid the storm drain. Etc.
  3. Simple right? No. When Lao tzu speaks of the caterpillar he appears to disregard mindfulness. He applauds flow though. What does one do with the thoughts? The action of walking? Etc.
  4. I've been looking for a direct quote from the ancient texts suggesting mindfulness. In Chapter 37 of the Hua Hu Ching: A superior person cares for the well-being of all things. She does this by accepting responsibility for the energy she manifests, both actively and in the subtle realm. Looking at a tree, she sees not an isolated event but root, leaves, trunk, water, soil and sun: each event related to the others, and "tree" arising out of their relatedness. If so, I'm pretty impressed.
  5. What does awareness mean?

    To notice things without continually thinking of them? I personally believe awareness is the most straightforward and simplistic road to wu Wei and peace. How does one gather awareness? Process the thought or "no thought"?
  6. I've really came to understand some things in my own way: First off we have Ding and Jing Meditation. Ding meaning focus and jing meaning stillness. Many forms of meditation tend to mend the two together (which is cool, don't get me wrong). I experimented. I made a topic a few days ago asking TTB members how exactly to perform Ding meditation. Everyone generally ruled against it. Here's what happened: I examined ding meditation to its most simple foundation. Focus. So, as I was walking I put expletive pressure into focusing all energy into the act of said walking. Mindfulness right? To an extent. I believe (based off the TTC) that Lao Tzu and Zhuangzhi did not promote the typical sitting meditation for x amount of time. However ding and jing meditation are reverently mentioned in the doctrines of old. What happens if we split them up? Results. Using "ding meditation" in everyday activity is like pushing mindfulness to its limits. Using jing meditation I believe one should not act unless required (yes, I paraphrased lol). Cultivating stillness in other words. So when for example you are waiting for dinner or coffee etc. Instead of pulling out your phone or reading the paper, just sit. Be still. Clear your mind through the physical stillness. All just my opinion and its effectiveness to me. I do recommend try setting them apart rather than melding them together. See what happens.
  7. Excluding buddhism, zen, etc. Don't get me wrong I love the company here, but if we were all so HARDCORE taoists we wouldn't even use this site. We would be....being somewhere. I envy that.
  8. I recommend something. I have always been fought, attacked, degraded and more for following the original texts. When I was Muslim, when I was zen, when I was a Mahayana Buddhist, and now a taoist. A lot of people tend to disagree with my now unorthodox view on the texts. I attempt to follow the texts and nothing more. Nothing added to the sect after the original texts etc. I don't do alchemical taoism, mystical, etc. I just follow what the TTC, HHC, and zhuangzhi practice. Simple, no boundaries. I know nothing. I have said that many times here. Many people seem to misunderstand what I say. Mainly because its a "traditional" view. I admit I need to work on conveying my messages. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the arguments. I enjoy seeing people become irritated and express their true nature. It helps me and the opposer to better understand each other. After being threatened by the TTB mods and re reading my posts I understand this place a bit better. Now, my suggestion is simple. Allow mobile and desktop users to select a sect, school, etc. Of taoism or any other branch and post it to their profile. For example mine would be: TheExaltedRonin Traditional Taoist More would be: X member Mahayana Buddhist Alchemical taoism X School Or whatever else they would like to add. This would present a layer of authenticity. I believe the main semantic arguments held between me and many other members is not understanding our background. Many people have been here for a long time and I personally am not willing to dig past 10000 posts to see what they think and feel. All of the communication here on my part and my opposer's parts is the heart of misunderstanding.
  9. In light of my mod squad attack and argument on the Taoism Board,

    I was uncivilized because I challenged the norm thought? Please.
  10. In light of my mod squad attack and argument on the Taoism Board,

    I've been this way all my life and haven't faced any "consequences".
  11. In light of my mod squad attack and argument on the Taoism Board,

    Consequences? Like what? Mod squad? LOL
  12. In light of my mod squad attack and argument on the Taoism Board,

    I lead a life of fair isolation. I mean I work, have friends and am married but I have no concern with making friends here. I want to learn and evaluate. You can't get good results trying to learn from people if you don't challenge them. The results won't be the same.
  13. In light of my mod squad attack and argument on the Taoism Board,

    Ya but see I'm on mobile so none of that is viewable. And seeing people irritated is a harsh presentation. I like to challenge peoples views until they start to show their true nature. I guess its my own personal test if you will. You can't lose or pass, I just get to understand you better.
  14. How to get spiritual without really trying

    That's fine if you don't understand. At the mercy of myself I forgot there are "different" sects of philosophy and religion here. TBH, I didn't even read that text wall you put up. There isn't much else I can explain. I figured it was in clear plain English. Anyhow, I'll be putting up a new thread in GD suggesting some things.
  15. How to get spiritual without really trying

    @marblehead I will remain silent. I've proven my points and its up to you to accept and understand my positioning. Hopefully you won't neglect to review my posts again and see what I'm properly saying.
  16. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    Of course I do. I neither feel I am exalted or a ronin.
  17. One "issue" I have with this site.

    All of the damn scholars. I mean seriously. You all claim to practice taoism yet there is no simplicity and everything discussed is convoluted and invaluable. I mean really. Many discussions are harpered back and forth, back and forth when all I see is a argument of semantics. Take a look at all my past threads. Has no one here actually read the TTC? Tao of pooh? Chuang Tzu? Etc. It saddens me. No offense to Christians but it seems like the user base here is more geared towards hypocrisy than aligning with the tao. (Not that I'm any better, I'm useless.) And of course some users are excluded from this.
  18. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    . Couldn't agree more.
  19. One "issue" I have with this site.

    @rara I'm always irritable!!!
  20. Am I on the right track here?

    I would offer some insight but I'm getting a bad gateway error. Either way, I view it as a stepping stone, right or wrong. Whenever you examine yourself youre on the right path.
  21. Dissolving the mind is instead a matter of not-doing: Simply avoid becoming attached to what you see and think. Ch44 HHC I really like this. Simple and to the point. Maybe it'll help a passerby.
  22. One "issue" I have with this site.

    Ah and now here is the blatant attempts to disambiguate our conversations. Such good times.
  23. One "issue" I have with this site.

    @soaringcrane And yet you keep coming back. I must be of some importance, no? Also, I enjoy these discussions. Unfortunately I am the target, but I don't see the issues. I simply talk, listen, and reply. No foul play involved.
  24. How to get spiritual without really trying

    "So many judgements. So many criticisms at those who are not what you expect them to be. And then calling this forum hypocritical when it you you who is expressing hpyocracy. And you keep insisting that we should not call ourselves Taoists while you continually express counter-Taoist thoughts and words. And in closing you try to insult us by comparing us with people of a totally different belief system. Now, I'm not saying that you are full of BS or anything like that. But what I will suggest is that you have no idea what Taoism is about." You say those are criticisms and judgments? Interesting. I call that noticing. Who have I insulted? Did I say YOU act like a Christian? No. And please, enlighten me oh great Marblehead of the TTB forums, the exalted premier student of the land filled with vast knowledge and incapable comprehension of the ancient texts how I have said one thing counter to taoist beliefs? Seems your dodging the most basic practice-acceptance. It seems here that you have failed to practice non duality, judgment, criticisms and more all in one post. What does the TTC say? "Turn your judgments inwards before turning them on someone else". But what would you know of that? You enjoy preaching to everyone how your knowledgeable and so on and so forth, but yet here you sit, doing multiple things the TTC says not to. How Taoist of you. Now, let's look at your anger. How misconceived can you be (being a taoist and all) to take my words so literally? You know nothing of me and my practice but yet you pass judgment. What's the word I'm looking for here....hypocritical. And I am not a taoist? Ah. The classic rebuttal of an argument. " well...well...your not "x"." Come on now. Let's show our proper age. Everyone is a taoist my dear. I feel competent and full with my knowledge regarding taoism. Because I do not subjecate myself to modern day teachings of taoism does not mean I am not one. Review yourself. Take a step back and look at what you have said and where your misguided thoughts have gotten you. Not only have you put me on the "spot" as you said you wouldn't earlier, but you have failed to see my objective. I will heed my own words as well. I will review everything and see where I stand. But I understand this conversation to the fullest-as to where you do not. Practice real taoism for a moment-humor me if you will. Analyze, understand, and turn your judgment inwards.
  25. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    @chidragon Yet another call I never said.