silent thunder

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Status Updates posted by silent thunder

  1. I can't Breathe...




    Black Lives Matter

  2. going silent for a time.


    still listening though...

  3. perpetually



  4. when focusing conscious awareness onto one process,

    the rest of the universe is shunned.


  5. Tibetans in exile are holding their Parliamentary elections today in Dharamshala. 


    1. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      Right on the heels of the Dec passing (unanimously) and signing into Law of the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020.  A strong re-affirmation by the US Gov't, recognizing and stating unequivocally the legitimate recognized governing body of Tibet lies with the exiled Tibetans and HHDL and their duly elected parliament.

      I'm surprised our legislative and executive branches even had this on their radar honestly, let alone came to unanimous support for it.  (even a broken clock can be right twice a day...)

    2. manitou


      Nice that the gov't would reaffirm that.  At this point, who in the world would care what we affirmed,? :unsure:


      I just wish we were a bit more forthcoming on the moves that China has made on Hong Kong.

    3. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      Another article on CTA site described a similar vote was carried out for Taiwan as well as Tibet, including a 2.3 Trillion combined pandemic care/goods purchase agreement.  So a functional/fiscal commitment/agreement to both Taiwan and Tibet with actual trade agreements that will strengthen their economies, not just provide verbal affirmation and diplomatic noise (which is all we've had since about 2002).


      I suspect the recent overriding of his veto is why 45 didn't try veto'ing this bill as well and caved to sign it.  (as I said, grateful for this broken clock being right on occasion).

  6. Acutely missing your way with words and your presence...


  7. Always smile when you come to mind friend.

    Holding space for you and your family in my heart.


  8. Good Morning Digital Packmates!



    1. manitou


      That sounds just like my Tibetan singing bowls :)  I may not be playing them right.

  9. Heyoka Hey!

    Today is a good day!



    1. shunka


      Hau Kola!

      did you mean  Hoka Hey ?


      ( no offense , "Heyoka" is a sort of Sacred Contrary)


      Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

      (We are All Related)

  10. it's an expansion... but inward, not outward.


    an inward expansion, unfolding...


    encompassing all and embracing no thing

    clear, open, boundless, present, aware


    yes... an inward unfolding

    1. manitou


      Down the black hole

      and into the big bang on the 

      other side.

  11. light isn't emitted from a star, or a light bulb... the star's function causes perturbations in the field this is what we observe as light. 

    It has varying induction rates through varying mediums, this is why the speed of light you have falsley been told is a constant, is always measured at slightly varying speeds.

  12. Missing your presence, wit and wisdom old friend.


  13. Moments do not exist.  They are an illusory function of memory.  Like a photograph, but pure thought.


    There are no individual moments, no distinguishable separations within the unfoldingness. 


    There is what is. 

    This is it. 

    And it is you. 

  14. Nice to see you!

    Welcome back!

  15. Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.

    ~that woke Indian guy

    1. manitou


      which woke indian guy?  woo-woo, or ohm?

  16. Our neighbors.  She's a nurse.  He's a Vegas Lounge singer.


    Great people.  Love them.  But whenever he 'rehearses' I have to crank our speakers up, or put on my headphones, or lose part of my soul to the raw, unbearable, offkey shrieking.


    I'm desperately hoping he doesn't go Full Italy on our neighborhood and try to give us a benefit concert on his porch...

  17. presence, unfolding

    in effortless awareness.

    emptiness... dancing.

  18. Rain in the Desert!


  19. Reminder to self: 

    Remain silent, or offer something worthy of breaking Silence for...

  20. To simply sit in knowing, loving presence with my Old Man again...

    Not only did my Father never hit me, he didn't speak unkindly to me, or anyone else that I recall.

    He instructed mostly through example.  And he'd explain, if you asked him.  But more than anything, he laughed.  And if you spent any sincere amount of time around him, you would too.  Laughter I swear was the gravity that held his presence together.  Miss him beyond imagining.


    To think that out of this spinning universe of billions of years... that I had the incredible good fortune of having that man as my Father...  Talk about winning the Lottery!  Such treasure as this is beyond imagining.

    If you're fortunate enough to be a Father, be an amazing one today.

  21. waking within the dream

    waking within reality


    what is the difference?

  22. You've risen to mind again my friend.

    May this thought find you thriving, wherever you happen to be...