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  2. Transgender Q&A

    which bit of wanting a penis, a beard , a low voice and no boobs led you to this conclusion?
  3. Transgender Q&A

    Hey I obviously can't answer this for you but to me you sound trans. Have you ever considered transitioning? I hope you don't mind the question.
  4. Transgender Q&A

    hmm... it's also said in spiritual texts that we should try to find the balance between female and male. That males should look for their feminity and vice versa. i don't know about the energy body deciding anything, but energies do tend to behave different in male versus female bodies. And not every male body behaves like any other male body, neither does the chi. It's a continuum, where people like Maddie and me are on the outer sides. It's the society that prevents us from acting like the gender that we feel is right, that fits with the way our chi runs through and around the body. I mean, the body i currently live in looks like a fat old woman with big boobs, would I behave like a guy i would be laughingstock everywhere. for years I've wanted to have a beard and my voice a bit lower, would make life a lot nicer. Humans need to be part of a group, two spirit people have long been denied their place in society, I would like to see an end to that.
  5. Today
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Just because there is a problem doesn't mean there is a solution. -- Arthur Janov
  7. Transgender Q&A

    So I actually tried this for a while because I was fighting this, I didn't want this, so I took exactly this line of thinking. Long story short my anxiety and depression didn't seem to care about this line of thinking.
  8. Transgender Q&A

    Guess those aren't my texts.
  9. Transgender Q&A

    To continue with my previous thought without thunder interfering me. For example, in Ayurveda even plants are categorized into male and female according to their energetic qualities. Even tho plants have no genitals. Energetics are much more of what we are than the body really. And personally traits are probably shallow aspect of us aswell.
  10. Transgender Q&A

    @silent thunder relax?
  11. Why is the Two Reality model so difficult to reconcile? The problem stems from the following perspective - As beings operating inside one of the realities (relative reality level), we are used to using the subject-object framework to operate. What is the subject-object framework? You, the subject, experience phenomena (objects) - things are created, they are destroyed, living beings are born, and then they die; there might be attributes of nature that exist at a larger timescale than our limited presence in the phenomenal world, but we see those too change and transform (dramatically sometimes) - rivers that have flowed for thousands of years might run dry, mountains might collapse due to tectonic movements in the earth's crust, and so on. Given this, you (and by *you* I mean all of us) operate continuously as a subject relative to objects you experience. In such a scenario, the possibility of a Reality outside the scope of this phenomenal world seems unfathomable. Indeed, when we are using language to communicate this information, it adds to the confusion even more. We are taking phenomenal objects (words, thoughts, language itself) to try and articulate something that lies outside the remit of phenomena. The "other" reality, one that is often called the Absolute Reality, is the one that stands without a second, or in other words, is not affected by the appearance or disappearance of objects. What is such a reality? Referring to it as a "thing" is a language limitation - because it is not a *thing*. Why is it not a thing? Because it can never become an object. It is pure objectless consciousness - the ground of all things. How is it the ground of all things? Because all things (objects) appear and disappear in it. The problem is a category mistake. You seek to understand it as an object—expect to see/study its properties when it doesn't have any. But it is the very thing that enables you to seek, observe, and know.
  12. Transgender Q&A

  13. Transgender Q&A

    The thing that worries me about this topic is. It is sayed in spiritual texts that a physical body is the last manifestation of all the other subtle bodies before it. So there is an energetic body as a blueprint that then gives manifestation to whether you will have male body or a female body, and its shape and form etc. So the thing is... If the energy body decides whether you'll be given a male body or a female body. What's the point of interfering with it? There're some teachers that say even the energies behave differently in a male and female body. And there are practices sometimes differently geared to suit this.
  14. Transgender Q&A

    Wow. Just wow.
  15. Transgender Q&A

    Why not being yourself(a woman) in a male body? After all a body is just a bag of meat, is it really important to alter its natural shape that nature has given it?
  16. Transgender Q&A

    To me it means just being myself and not having to act like a man :-)
  17. Nowhere in particular, I just sit. 🥴 How does one know when or if they are close? Truth be told you are always close, as close as you are to your self. Nothing can promise success and yet it can occur anytime, anywhere, as a result of anything or nothing at all. So why not just sit? Yes, a viable, simple, and accessible path for anyone but it will only be effective if you are fortunate enough to be karmically suited to the approach. The focus on different practices is understandable as we always tend to look outward as opposed to in, but the most important variable is always the practitioner. We all need different things at different times in our lives. Figuring out what that is can be elusive but I feel a quiet mind and open heart can be a more effective guide to what that is than the inner analyst. Anyone can wake up at any time for any or no reason and no one, not even the greatest master, can tell another what is needed in their practice but for that very reason, just sitting is a suitable practice for anyone, even the greenest of beginners. Arguably, the freshness of “beginner’s mind” could be an advantage for many. For me, the moment of kenshō was completely spontaneous and unexpected and did not occur during formal practice. One of the things that came out of the experience was a realization of the contrived and artificial aspect of all practices and an insight into the true meaning and value of “just sitting.” Over time, the value of practice once again became meaningful to me and there has been a waxing and waning with respect to feeling a “need” for practice over time. Practice simply becomes life and life becomes practice.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    Billy Joel - She's Always A Woman (from Old Grey Whistle Test) (
  19. I think the two truths were needed for more clear discussion about the relative and absolute. Both show different viewpoints from the same place. Just an easier way to discuss things.
  20. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    well worth repeating by Zerostao: "If by chance, the elites pull off some bizarre crime against humanity Hey it's not like they haven't done such in the past---- and a HOT CIVIL WAR breaks out amongst us,, STAND DOWN do not buy into it, do not be duped, Of course, you will stand your ground, defend yourself if it encroaches onto you, that is only Natural, and i send energies of success for such. Do not join in the participation of leaving your abode to go on the offensive against your neighbors. They are only co-victims such as yourself in this. It will take great effort from ALL of US to limit the Horror and Terror. City Folk or Country Folk, we are All Folk, and in the same boat. Careful, thoughtful, navigation of stormy waters, and maybe with a little luck, we will get through it. "....the thread is about survival, there are times when surviving becomes more challenging. often, it is your state of mind that will determine your outcome. Stay focused. Stay calm"
  21. The fragility of our lives

    Recently I've been reflecting on the increasing geopolitical tensions and the likelihood for a new global war in our lifetimes. In the Western world, we have perhaps some of the most favorable conditions in history for cultivation. Teachings are everywhere and previously sequestered lineages are accessible from your home. We have no disease, famine, extreme poverty or war. But that could all change. For some reason yesterday I got a Facebook update from a chap called the Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. He prophesied a global nuclear war by 2030, and recommended his followers certain practices to stave off that possibility. I don't know anything about him or if he is a reliable source, but it lit a fire under my arse. I feel like instead of spending the majority of my time on hobbies, entertainment, I should perhaps practice more. Practice as much as I physically can. After all, we don't know when this special period of peace might end.
  22. You are very lucky to have found a good system that works, at such a young age. Many people spend their entire lives doing practices that don’t work and achieve nothing.
  23. Why is it confusing ? I dont understand that at all . " If one is true, the other must be false, right? " No, wrong . Why are you setting up this either / or thing ? I do not understand the statement 'if one is true the other must be false ' ... why ? You actually stated and set up at the beginning " which is beyond all " . You didnt state and set up ' this is the reality ' about either realities . You first made a distinction between them , then claimed confusion by saying how can they have a distinction . Now, THAT ^ is confusing ! UNLESS there is some doctrine I dont know of that states ; absolute or relative , there must be one or the other . " '
  24. Transgender Q&A

    Ahhhh ... but this isnt 'an act' . Its about being . Not acting . Many men , in this new age of ( moving towards ) equality know how to act . And they can act however they want in more liberal societies that are more open and inclusive than Texas ( what do you like about it by the way ? You are still there , although it must have been difficult for a long time ) . But, the old 'act like a man ' and being told to 'man up ' and what that meant and implied ... well, a lot of that has been tossed out now . If I had asked those questions to my parents generation it would be easy answers ; "Of course I know what it means to be a man ! To be the bread winner of the family and work , to fight and defend my country, if need be . To be master of my emotions, while women stay at home and do the cleaning and childminding . ... and so on . Nowadays ? Many men aint so sure ... even in places like the opposite of Texas . You would not turn an eye here Maddie . But still this is where I find male identity confused or unknown . They threw the SNAG thing out some time back . There are 'New Age' type of workshops about it ... but OMG ! The stuff they are putting out ! . Nothing is out there that seems to be adopted as an overall model . If I ask women the same questions , I get an immediate response ... they are on 'the up' (a bit ) in our society , some are even enthusiastic in their descriptions of what it means and where they are going . I am nearly tempted to ask you ..... what does it mean 'to be a woman ' , to you Maddie ?
  25. Transgender Q&A

    I have , of course I am sure you have read my views on initiation and 'coming into manhood' ... and how the western system of it has virtually become extinct . So I could put my hand up on each of those questions . My definition is on 7 levels; a man should have '7 heads' . But I won't go into that here ..... off topic . I will say however that in some of these systems , what 'makes you a man' might be considered effeminate in some western views . Eg . in the Samurai tradition , you are not a 'real man' unless you can arrange a nice bunch of flowers (ikibana ) , appreciate nature and beauty , write beautiful and meaningful poetry , and in a beautiful calligraphic style and spend some time on your hairdo and facial make up ..... and there is the killing people with swords and stuff . In my tradition , the 'consciousness of a poet ' and of a 'certain type of woman ' is also required . One must be a warrior as well . And this path is also open to women ; Artemisia I - historically famous for her valour at the Battle of Salamis toward the end of Xerxes I's invasion of Greece in 480 BCE. ... or these 'girls ' ; YPJ - Kurdish women's army defending and liberating women and children from IS capture .
  26. Haiku Chain

    celebrating spring i watched bees pollinating wild blackberries
  27. I was listening to Nonduality by David Loy and this interesting passage from the Zhuangzi popped out:
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